Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) is a difficult diagnosis to handle. Largely because it is so poorly understood. Sufferers of ME/CFS feel almost constant fatigue, with peaks and troughs of energy which are consistently lower than what would be considered normal.

They also suffer from cycles of insomnia and hypersomnia, aches and pains in their muscles, and a variety of other, often flu-like, symptoms.

Until very recently ME/CFS was assumed to be a false illness, invented by lazy or attention-seeking people to make excuses for their poor behaviors. It is odd to think that for so many years there were real doctors looking at people who could not physically get out of bed and saying “I can’t see a cause, so you’re making it up!”

Fortunately, medicine has moved along quite a bit since then. Researchers have recently discovered specific inflammation markers in people with ME/CFS that prove once and for all that yes, it is real.

Not only that, but they have found a large number of triggers for it, including an episode of acute illness, chemotherapy, pregnancy, menopause, sudden weight loss or gain, and adrenal fatigue. Once it has been triggered, ME/CFS can be stopped from progressing, but cannot be reversed.

But there are things you can do to alleviate Chronic Fatigue. For example, it has been found that intense activity, such as exercise, can make it worse, but that pacing yourself and stopping frequently to relax can reduce the severity of a flare up.

It has also been found that some treatments used for depression can alleviate symptoms in some sufferers. Anti-inflammatories, painkillers, and sleep medications are often prescribed to manage the symptoms.

But not everyone is fond of the idea of using conventional medicines, or of only following the physical protocol. Sometimes you want the relief of medication with all the safety and reassurance of a natural, holistic remedy. Enter alternative treatments.

There are many different alternative treatments which focus on reducing the symptoms of ME/CFS following traditional, herbal, or holistic medicine. Some people find that acupuncture helps with the pain, others will tale valerian root to even their sleep cycles, and others will practice meditation to improve their energy.

A great alternative treatment involves the use of essential oils. Essential oils are a popular form of alternative medicine because they come from nature, you know exactly what is in them, and they are highly effective for many people.

Essential oils are created by distilling the natural fluids of a plant before separating the oils from the liquid, giving you a highly concentrated dose of all the beneficial nutrients from that plant. Because of how they are produced, essential oils have different properties depending on what plant, and even what part of the plant, they were taken from.

This means that you can apply different oils in different ways for different symptoms. Many people enjoy mixing and matching their remedies, for maximum benefit.

Topical Application of Essential Oils

Topical application of an essential oil is when you rub it into the affected area directly, or into the skin above the affected area. Topical essential oils can be applied for many reasons, from arthritis to migraines. The essential oil will slowly soak into your skin, bringing with it the benefits of the plant.

This makes it an especially good treatment for pain and inflammation in muscles and joints, but much less effective for problems related to organs and bones. When it comes to ME/CFS, there are several symptoms which can be relieved via topical application of essential oils. 

Aches and pains are a common issue for people with Chronic Fatigue. This is because the condition affects muscular tone, meaning your muscles break down more easily. Even a short period of exercise can result in massive muscle damage which hurts for days. If you have overexerted yourself, you may feel a strong ache or soreness anywhere in your body.

Heavy legs can cause a lot of distress. Because you are less able to be active with Chronic Fatigue, blood and other fluids can collect in the legs, making them uncomfortable, numb, and heavy. The reduced muscle tone can worsen this poor circulation and feeling of heaviness.

Headaches and a feeling of feverishness are not uncommon when you have Chronic Fatigue. Many people feel warm and get headaches, even when they are not ill and their body temperature is perfectly normal. This is sometimes confused with the hot flashes of menstruation, pregnancy, and the menopause.

As ME/CFS can affect your lymph glands, you may experience some pains in your throat, armpits, breasts, and other areas near the surface of the skin. Not all lymph gland pains can be successfully treated topically, but if you feel the soreness just under your skin it is worth a try.

When applying topical essential oils, always be cautious. For starters, most essential oils cannot be applied directly. Because of how concentrated they are, essential oils can be too strong, or even too alkaline, and damage your skin or make you worse. You must dilute them.

The easiest way to do this is using a carrier oil. A carrier oil is a neutral oil, like coconut oil or almond oil, which you can blend with your essential oil.

Some people also mix their essential oils with soaps and moisturizers. But this is a bit more complicated, as the oil needs to be thoroughly blended, which does not happen with some cosmetics. When in doubt, use a little less oil and shake or stir well.

Finally, you might want to choose food grade essential oils, even for your skin. This is because your body will naturally be absorbing these substances, so you want them to be as safe as possible.

Just bear in mind that not all essential oils can be certified food grade, as some are toxic if ingested. In this case, skip them entirely or choose a reputable brand.

Some great topical oils for Chronic Fatigue are:

  • Rosemary – This oil stimulates the central nervous system, helping relieve numbness and pain, especially in your legs. It can also promote better circulation and muscle tone. Just apply it where it is needed.
  • Basil – This oil, like rosemary, stimulates the central nervous system. But it also acts to relieve tension, soothing aches and pains including headaches. Sometimes you can just apply it to your temples, but many people benefit from applying it to their neck and shoulders too.
  • Lavender – This oils relieves muscle tension and can help with insomnia, stress, and anxiety. Used on your face, neck, head, and chest, it can help a Chronic Fatigue sufferer to get the rest they need to recover.

Consuming Essential Oils

Edible essential oils are another popular way of treating the symptoms of ME/CFS. Edible essential oils are sort of like a natural multivitamin, a highly concentrated form of a plant which contains all the benefits of a huge bowl of it, but in a single drop.

These essential oils make for a cheap, fast alternative to chowing down on superfoods all day. Because they are absorbed through the walls of the stomach and intestine the dose you will receive is far greater than through topical application.

However, on the other hand, because you are using your natural digestion and blood flow to carry it, the essential oil will affect your whole body equally, rather than specifically targeting the area you want it to.

Edible essential oils are therefore great for the internal and mental symptoms of Chronic Fatigue. Lethargy and depression are often key symptoms for people with ME/CFS, and these are constant, underlying symptoms which can lead to other problems, or make other symptoms worse.

Memory problems are common in Chronic Fatigue sufferers as a consequence of their lack of energy and depression, and by treating the depression many experience a surge in memory.

Feelings of heaviness can develop if the circulation in your whole body is affected by your tension and lack of activity. ME/CFS creates a cycle where you exercise less because you are exhausted, but because you exercise less your body degrades and you feel more tired. You can fight this by healing the heart and lungs internally.

Chronic Fatigue sufferers often have sleep disorders, like hypersomnia or insomnia. Although many turn to either sleep medication or herbal remedies at these times, sometimes what is actually needed is a lighter, constant release of nutrients, such as essential oils offer.

Whole body glandular problems affect many ME/CFS sufferers. Although you can address some glandular problems, such as those which impact the throat and breasts, with topical essential oils, if you wish to reach your internal glands you may need to ingest the oil.

These symptoms are either deeply internal, or a continual concern. This means that topical essential oils may not penetrate deeply enough to help, or may only provide a short term relief. Because we cannot target these symptoms with topical applications, edible essential oils are a wonderful alternative.

When using edible essential oils, make sure you know what you are handling. A lot of people make the mistake of assuming that just because something is natural, it is safe. However, many natural things are incredibly dangerous to ingest!

Think of belladonna, or yew berries. They are deadly in their whole, natural form. Likewise, everything that has been processed has experienced some changes. Essential oils are highly concentrated forms of the plants they come from, and too much of anything, even a good thing, can make you ill. If you drink enough water or eat enough bananas, they could even kill you.

The difference is that we cannot usually eat enough of a whole food to poison ourselves. We would stop before drinking 2-4 liters of water in half an hour, before eating a pound of salt, or before eating two hundred bananas.

However, essential oils take away all of the bulk of water and fiber, leaving us with just a concentrated oil full of nutrients. Just because you can eat a handful of basil does not mean you should eat a tablespoon of basil oil, which contains all the nutrients of several pounds of basil!

Not only must we therefore be careful to adhere to small doses of essential oils, we need to look out for where they have come from.

A food grade essential oil is one which has been approved for human consumption. It is not so concentrated that a single drop could poison us, it does not come from a part of the plant which is poisonous, and it has not been processed using chemicals and machinery which could taint it and make it dangerous.

Always choose food grade essential oils, and always choose reputable brands whose certification can be proven.

Some great edible oils for Chronic Fatigue are:

  • Citrus – Lemon and orange oil and uplifting and refreshing. They can be very helpful for people suffering exhaustion, mental fatigue, depression, or anxiety. They can also stimulate your immune system, keeping you strong even if your body is very run down.
  • Rosemary – This oil helps your central nervous system from the inside or out. Ingested, it improves mood and energy, helping fight off depression and lethargy.
  • Basil – This oil is great for lifting your mood and improving your memory. Especially after a few nights of insomnia, basil oil can keep your head clear and focused.

Essential Oils in Aromatherapy

Last but not least, some people find that the scent alone of essential oils is invigorating and helpful. Aromatherapy involves not putting the oil necessarily anywhere on your body, but focusing on the healing impact of its aroma. This is more a matter of mental and emotional well-being than of physical medicine.

For people with Chronic Fatigue, there are often mental aspects to the condition which may be overlooked in favor of addressing the physical symptoms.

Depression and anxiety may be part of the physical package, but may also be a reaction to being in an unpleasant situation, or feeling powerless. The problem is that mental health symptoms can often influence your physical health negatively, so they still need addressing.

You can diffuse the essential oil in two key ways. You can put it on surfaces in your home. A few drops of essential oils placed weekly on your furniture, bed, curtains, etc. can infuse specific places with specific scents, evoking warmth and comfort.

Or, you can diffuse it with warm diffusers or reed diffusers. This will give your whole home an even scent, eliminating unpleasant smells and making you feel more at ease.

You can make use of the rich aroma of essential oils in many different ways. Some people find that having the scent in their house all day is very helpful. If a particular scent is deeply comforting to you, then you may wish to have it present at all times. Using a diffuser is the best option in this case. 

Some people benefit the most from using aromatherapy combined with massage. They may experience no benefit from a constant scent, or may even find it overpowering. But during a massage session they may find they relax better if the right essential oils are used.

Aromatherapy after exercise or before bed could help you recover better. Because the pains associated with ME/CFS are usually the result of a hormonal imbalance or a poor recovery, it makes sense to use pleasant scents to encourage your body to calm down, reduce cortisol, and promote a healing hormone balance.

Sometimes you can combine aromatherapy with topical application of an oil. For example, when it comes to your massage you might want to swap your massage oils for a diluted essential oil.

Or, you may wish to place a few drops of diluted oil behind your ears before a stressful day, or on your chest before going to bed. This could help you relax whilst providing the physical benefits of the oil. But always remember to choose a safe oil, and to dilute it well!

Some great scents for Chronic Fatigue are:

  • Petitgrain – This oil gives you a surge of energy without overpowering your hormonal systems. It can help even you out.
  • Geranium – This oil fights exhaustion and nerves, providing a sense of calmness and pushing out anxiety and depression.
  • Lavender – This oil is perfect for almost all issues that an ME/CFS sufferer experiences physically. It helps your body and mind to relax and can be applied topically or diffused in the air for maximum physical and mental benefits.
  • Chamomile – Like chamomile tea, this oil can help you relax and sleep deeper and better, meaning you are less likely to wake up tired.
  • Sandalwood – This oil is a great diffuser oil. If your problem is that you wake up repeatedly in the night, this oil could help keep you shut down until you are rested.

Top Tips for Staying Safe

When using essential oils, you need to always be a bit careful. They are generally harmless, but everything, if used incorrectly, can hurt us. Following these simple steps could mean the difference between an enjoyable experience and a terrible one.

Firstly, make sure that you are not allergic to anything you are using. If you are allergic to the plant, you will be allergic to the oil, because the oil is just a super-concentrated version of the plant!

If you are not sure whether you are allergic or not, place a few drops on your skin, diluted, and leave for 1-2 days. If any marks appear, then you should not use this oil. If hives start appearing immediately, then you must see your doctor straight away. Also make sure you are not allergic to your carrier oils.

Secondly, always shop from reputable brands and use outlets and websites that can be held accountable. Just because something says “food grade” does not mean it is! Anyone can write anything on a label. You need to choose an established company which has been around for many years and has many loyal customers.

Because of fake products, you will also need to shop at a store or on a website which is established, based in your country, and which could be held accountable if they sold you a fake product.

Finally, do not use essential oils to replace any treatments, conventional or alternative, that are already working. After all: If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it! Many people feel uncomfortable about using a conventional or traditional remedy and may stop it and turn to essential oils instead, thinking this is safer and more natural.

But, if your medication was working and alleviating your symptoms, you are putting yourself at risk again. Instead, use essential oils to complement your main treatment.