If you would like to prevent the onset of fine lines and wrinkles on your face, rather than spend money on ‘quick fixes’ you can exert a little effort and do some facial exercises.

Performing regular facial exercises can certainly stop the signs of aging and make you look younger. You only need your fingers and a positive mental attitude to help keep the facial signs of aging at bay.

The following is a list of exercises that you can perform on a regular basis. You can do them anytime you like. Just be loyal to yourself and continue to do the exercises if you want to look younger, slow down the signs of aging and yes, look five or ten years younger than your age!

Remember that anti aging is a process, not an event. Forming and repeating good habits will reap better rewards than intensive but inconsistent actions.

Crow’s Feet and Drooping Eyelids

Put your two middle fingers in between your eye brows and press tightly. At the same time press your pointer fingers on the far outer corners of your eyebrows. Your fingers should look like a V, so 2 V’s together. Like this: VV

Now look up at the ceiling and while doing so, raise your lower eyelids. Hold for a moment, then relax and repeat six times.

This exercise is excellent for keeping the skin around the eyes and the eyelids nice and firm.


To prevent your cheeks from sagging, exercise it by smiling as hard as you can. You can also accentuate the words, “OOH” and “EEE”. Repeat these words and really pull and push your cheeks at the same time. This exercise also helps avoid the appearance of a double chin.

Another exercise you can perform is to use the right side first of your face, then make a wide grin on that side and while you are grinning, pull up as hard as you can those muscles in your cheek and hold it at least ten seconds. Repeat the same process on the left side of your cheek.


Expose the white areas of your eyes by widening them. Hold them in this position until you notice the water or tears start to fall. Widening your eyes as wide as you can, exercises the muscles in your face, particularly around your forehead and eyes. The traces of any fine lines from squinting will be eliminated, since your exercise is performing the opposite of your squint.

Neck and Double Chin

One of the signs of aging is sagging skin that is very noticeable from the chin down to the neck. No one wants a turkey neck!

One exercise that helps prevent this is to close your mouth while looking up. Make sure to stretch your neck back as far as you can. While you are doing this stretch, place your lower lip over your top lip while smiling as wide as you can.

You can also do the one as we said earlier, say the words “OOO” and “EEE” and pull those neck muscles as you do!