Fermented foods may seem a little bit trendy, but in reality they’ve been around for thousands of years and enjoyed all over the world. Read on to learn about some of the fermented foods traditionally enjoyed worldwide.


Kefir is a fermented dairy drink that’s common in Eastern Europe and throughout the Middle East. It’s a product that’s full of protein, calcium, and is easily digested. It also boosts your immune system and improves digestion.


Koumiss is a fermented dairy product that’s found in central Asia and is very popular in Siberia. It actually has some alcohol content setting it apart from other fermented dairy drinks.


Natto is a fermented soybean dish found in Japan. It’s usually eaten with rice and is considered a health food. Fermenting the soybeans causes them to become sticky and causes them to develop a distinct flavor.

It’s high in protein and fiber and is also known to be a good source of vitamins K2 and B2, calcium, and iron.


Kimchi is a delicious fermented food hailing from Korea. It’s made from fermented cabbage and is known to have many important health benefits. For example, it helps to prevent constipation and reduces one’s risk of colon cancer.

Kimchi can also help to reduce the effects of stress on the body as well as reduce depression, obesity, blood vessel disease, and liver disease. This is thought to be a result of its anti-inflammatory effects.


Gundruk is a fermented food found in the Himalayas. It’s made from leafy vegetables and is known to have high levels of carotene, fiber, and ascorbic acid. This food is thought to reduce your risk of developing cancer.

Three other fermented foods also call the Himalayas home – sinki, kodo ko jaanr, and bhaati jaanr. Sinki comes from fermented radish roots and the others come from fermented grains.


Pulque is a fermented beverage very common in Mexico. It’s made from fermented cactus juice. This is an alcoholic beverage that’s high in vitamins and minerals.


Sauerkraut is a traditional German dish made from fermented cabbage. This is a food that’s commonly eaten throughout the world. It’s very high in vitamins and minerals and is known for improving digestive wellness.

Sauerkraut is also known to be high in antioxidants that are particularly good for eye health. In addition, it can help to improve the immune system and reduce your risk of illness.