It’s an awesome experience to be able to enjoy the bounty of summer in the dead of winter. With fermentation, that’s a possibility that can come true.

All you need to do is have your own garden or frequent a farmer’s market or organic supermarket during the spring and summer months to find foods (especially fruits and veggies) you like and go through the simple and easy process of fermenting them.

What you’ll have after the fermentation process is a jar full of tasty and preserved food that’s in better form that it was even at its peak in the summer.

Seasonal fermentation was practiced by our ancestors on a regular basis. This was before refrigeration and because of the harsh conditions in the winter months. It was a necessity to be able to eat all winter.

A four-season plan to fermenting requires little and it can be a lot of fun for the entire family. It’s a craft that’s been around for centuries and that will enhance the way you eat. It’s also inexpensive and will provide you with more nutrition that the usual foods we purchase from the supermarket.

Here’s a short guide to the four-season plan for fermenting foods:

  • Learn fermentation methods – There’s so much information available both online and in books that you shouldn’t have any trouble learning about the basic techniques that can get you started.
  • Gather your tools – After you decide what you want to ferment (types of veggies, fruits, dairy, and more), you’ll know if you need crock pots, mason jars, strainers, cheese cloth or canning equipment.
  • Explore the seasonal foods – Farmer’s markets are the perfect place to begin your fermenting journey. You can easily find out what’s in season where you live. Then, you can put what you know about fermenting into action.
  • Explore outside your comfort zone – Try your hand at fermenting other foods besides veggies and fruits. Dairy, meat, chutneys, salsas and beverages can be fermented too and can become some of your family’s favorites.

You will like some of the foods you ferment and some you may have to practice before you get it right. But, in your journey to try and eat fermented foods, you’ll be adding more nutrition to your diet and new flavors to your menus.

Health is one of the main reasons for going back to the tradition of consuming fermented foods. You can protect yourself from devastating diseases and prevent chronic conditions from worsening by consuming a diet rich in the probiotics that fermented foods provide.