Our brain is directly connected to our gut. Therefore, what we eat not only fuels our body, but it also feeds our brain. You may not realize it, but our brain consumes a lot of energy for us to perform just about every task. Eating specific foods can boost our mental function, notably our ability to retain and recall information.

We might think that keeping our brains healthy and robust is automatic. However, there are several things that we are commonly exposed to that may cause memory loss or overall brain decline. Free radicals from the food we eat, smoke from cigarettes or pollution, and also stress can cause cell damage that may affect brain function. The food we consume can greatly help fight all of these causes.

Here are six foods that you can eat to help improve memory and overall brain function. Some of these foods can also slow down mental decline and help fight dementia:

Fatty Fish

Fatty fish, such as salmon, trout, cod, tuna, and sardines are all packed with omega-3 fatty acids, an essential nutrient for the brain. In fact, omega-3 fatty acids are part of our brain structure and are mainly used to build brain cells.

DHA, one type of omega-3 fatty acid, is specifically beneficial to our memory. According to a study published in 2012, our memory cells can function better when there is a higher level of DHA level in one specific part of the brain. Another study also proved that an increase in omega-3 fatty acid in the brain resulted in an increase in the brain’s gray matter and nerve cells that play a role in memory retrieval and retention.

Doctors recommend consuming foods high in omega-3 fatty acids to help promote a healthy heart and fight off Alzheimer’s disease.


Berries, in general, are full of anti-oxidants and anti-inflammatory properties that can help fight neurodegenerative diseases and mental decline caused by aging.

However, blueberries have been found to be more beneficial for improving memory. Blueberries contain high levels of anthocyanins, which is responsible for their memory-enhancing effects. Studies on animals reveal that blueberries positively affect the subjects’ memory and can also fight short-term memory loss.


Our mums and dads were not joking when they said broccoli is good for you. There are several health benefits that we can get from broccoli, including enhanced memory. It can also help slow down the effects of brain decline due to aging.

Broccoli’s memory-boosting power comes from its vitamin K. Broccoli, along with other green and leafy vegetables, are packed with vitamin K. Increased intake of foods high in vitamin K is linked to improving memory and other mental function. Lutein, folate, and beta carotene, all found in broccoli, can also help boost mental function and fight neurodegenerative diseases.


No discussion on brain food will be complete without nuts. Several studies show that eating nuts can increase brain function, especially for the elderly. Nuts are rich in vitamin E, an important nutrient that helps with cognitive functions, including memory. Nuts’ anti-oxidant properties also protect brain cells from free radicals that can cell damage, leading to brain fog and mental decline.

Nuts are also rich in omega-3 fatty acids, similar to fatty fish, making it a powerhouse brain food. Many seeds also contain high levels of omega-3 that can help diversify your sources of fatty acids, so you won’t have to eat fish all the time!

Green Tea and Coffee

Coffee and green tea have caffeine in them, helping us to stay awake and alert by blocking off adenosine, a substance that causes us to feel sleepy.

The caffeine present in green tea and coffee can also boost our brain’s capacity to process information. Caffeine can spike brain activity, allowing us to comprehend information better.

Caffeine intake can enhance memory function and help performance in memory-related tasks. In one study, participants were asked to study a series of images. The group that took 200 grams of caffeine retained the images better as compared to those who took a placebo.

Brain health is integral to our overall wellness. The foods mentioned in this list are not just good for our memory and brain function, but they also contribute to a balanced diet. Give these foods a try and enjoy the benefits of a healthy body, especially our brain.