Coconut oil is quickly becoming the go-to natural substance for cleaning and whitening the teeth, getting soft and shiny hair, and having glowing skin. It is even used for cleansing and deodorizing the home, for making natural dog treats, and adding to your own foods.

However, these are not the only uses available for coconut oil. It can also be a wonderful addition to your skin care or health regimen for various medical conditions, from skin conditions to chronic conditions like osteoporosis and inflammation.

Here are some different ways you can use coconut oil for healing your body:


As people get older, the need for closely monitoring nutrition becomes more important than in their younger years. As hormones change, so do nutrition requirements. More often than not, habits built over a lifetime will cause an individual to overlook these changes, which could have negative health effects manifested in the form of metabolic disorders.

One of the most common of these is Osteoporosis. Surprisingly, there are ways to repair and even prevent this condition. One such method is the consumption of coconut oil.

A Small Amount is All You Need

The primary causes of osteoporosis are free radicals and oxidative stress on parts of the body. It’s been discovered that supplementing your diet with virgin coconut oil can repair the damage and bone loss caused by osteoporosis.

As little as 5 tablespoons of virgin coconut oil daily can help you to regain and make it easier for the body to grow new healthy bone tissues.

If the idea of eating spoonfuls of coconut oil doesn’t suit you, try replacing other saturated fats used in cooking with the coconut oil.

Use the Coconut Oil On Your Skin

It takes even less virgin coconut oil to prevent osteoporosis than it does to combat it. With as little as 3 tablespoons a day, you can fight off the beginnings of this condition.

Another method you can use to gain benefits of coconut oil, is to massage it onto your skin for about 10 minutes, and then take a hot bath.

The coconut oil with absorb through your skin. Regular use of this method will help both bones and skin leaving it healthier, softer, and resistant to oxidizing influence.


Infections are something everyone deals with, but the use of medical treatment through antibiotics is starting to become less involved. This is because more people are discovering natural remedies for preventing or helping to treat infections, such as with coconut oil.

Coconut oil boasts a powerful combination of nutrients and attributes that can help to fight off infection, but how can it be applied? While you should still see a doctor if you do get signs of an infection, you might be able to help treat it with coconut oil. Here is more information on using coconut oil for your infections.

Yeast Infections

If you have ever had a yeast infection, you know how miserable it can be. A yeast infection can be caused or aggravated through a multitude of interactions. An application of a coconut oil mixture can help to clear up infections of this type due to the natural presence of anti bacterial agents contained in the coconut oil.

Lauric, capric, and caprylic acids found in coconut oil fight harmful bacteria while allowing the naturally occurring bacteria to thrive.

One way this can be done, is to soak an unbleached tampon in coconut oil and insert it into the vagina for long periods of up to 10 hours. You should change the tampon and repeat for at least 8 days. You can also try making a coconut oil douche.

To try this method, you would mix a quart of distilled water at room temperature or above with 4 tablespoons of coconut oil. You would then douche using the mixture. Repeat until the infection clears.

Dermal Infections

A dermal infection is a type of skin infection, and one that can be a common issue for many people. The best way to combat a dermal infection is through topical application of a coconut oil solution. First, you would gently wash and dry the infected area as well as a bit beyond the area. Keep the area clean and dry, and repeat the process daily until the infection is clear.

Another method would be to add several tablespoons of coconut oil to a warm bath and soak for 20 minutes daily until the infection clears.

Cardiovascular Health

Another way coconut oil can be beneficial for healing your body is with your cardiovascular health. In the past, coconut oils were once thought to be responsible for negative health problems, but recently new information on coconut oil has given it a useful place in today’s nutrition scene.

Take a look at some different ways coconut oil can be beneficial for your cardiovascular health:

It Raises HDL

HDL is the “good” cholesterol in your blood stream. Coconut oil has the ability to raise the HDL in your blood to higher levels. It should be noted that it has the potential to raise the LDL, also known as the “bad” cholesterol as well, but this is only common when the oil is used to replace healthy unsaturated fats. Using it to replace less desirable oils such as trans-fats can see a measurable decrease in LDL.

It Can Lead to Burning More Calories

Another interesting thing about coconut oil, is that it may help with burning calories. Research has proven that the medium chain triglycerides in coconut oil require more energy to break down. This leads to the consumption of more calories which can lead to weight loss. This is not the kind of weight loss that leads to drastic change, but it can be an aid to a healthy exercise routine.

It May Help Control Appetite

Don’t forget that the properties of coconut oil can also help to curb your appetite. When you start adding coconut oil to your diet, you are able to control your appetite, which helps you lose weight and maintain a healthy weight. This is good for your cardiovascular health, as obesity and weight-related conditions can cause a lot of different problems.


If you’ve ever seen a nutrition expert, you know that one of the most important parts of good nutrition is efficient digestion. Most people are familiar with the fact that bad digestion can cause discomfort, but few people realize that a poorly functioning digestive system means that you may not be absorbing the nutrients you are eating.

Some foods such as coconut oil can help put your digestive system back on track, but how does that work?

Healthy Intestines for Absorbing Nutrients

A big part of an efficient digestive system is a healthy intestinal tract. It has been discovered that the medium chain triglycerides found in coconut oil not only absorb well, but also help other important nutrients to absorb better as well.

When the MCTs are absorbed they help stabilize digestive function and help prepare the intestines for it’s next task. This can be done by either eating a spoonful before a meal, or using a small amount in your cooking as a replacement for another saturated fat.

Colon Health and Cleansing

While there is little evidence either for or against the specific benefits of colon cleansing, it is clear that a cleaner colon is more functional and healthy. Coconut oil can aid in the removal of colonic build up, kill harmful bacteria and reduce inflammation.

The reduction of inflammation can help to alleviate or lessen some of the persistent and common symptoms associated with a multitude of digestive disorders such as colitis and even crohn’s disease. The coconut oil can also nourish and replenish the sensitive colon tissues making it easier to heal.

Brain Function

Most people are familiar with the impact that nutrition and consumption of certain foods can have on the human body, but less commonly known are the positive effects of specific foods on the brain. In recent years, science has shown us that certain foods can not only augment brain function, but also improve it.

All Good Health Leads to a Healthier Brain

In order to have a completely healthy brain, you must have a healthy body. Many of the complex systems of the body are connected to the brain in ways that are still not completely understood, but one thing that is clear is the fact that some issues with various organs can make brain function less efficient.

Coconut oil can help the body to improve its use of insulin. It’s been known for quite some time that insulin action takes an important role in brain function, not only regulating feeding habits and energy storage, but also contributing heavily to memory and cognitive functionality, so it stands as apparent that attention to this particular aspect of health is of high priority.

Is It In the MTCs

The medium chain triglycerides found in coconut oil are at the forefront of the debate over this popular tropical oil. Studies suggest that the medium chain triglycerides which are converted to ketones that are used by the brain contribute massively to improve cognitive function in people with cognitive impairment.

It is believed that part of this is due to the less complex structure which allows the body to more easily break down and convert the MTCs into usable parts. Currently, the benefits associated with more serious cognitive disorders such as Alzheimer’s appear to be short term, but the use of coconut oil to aid in brain health has effectively been proven.

Type 2 Diabetes

You should also be aware that coconut oil can help with type 2 diabetes. This is one of the more common types of diabetes, and while you might not be able to cure it completely, you get treatment by adding more coconut oil to your diet.

Control Your Weight with Coconut Oil

One of the primary ways coconut oil is helpful for diabetes is by helping you to control your weight. Coconut oil has unique properties in it that will help you to curb your appetite, which provides a solid foundation for weight loss.

Many people struggle with their weight due to increased hunger and cravings, so you can definitely benefit by having something that helps to reduce your appetite overall.

Adding more coconut oil to your diet will also help you lose weight by replacing saturated fats like other types of cooking oil and butter. In many cooking and baking recipes, you are reducing butter or replacing it entirely and using coconut oil instead. This is going to provide you a lot of health benefits from the coconut oil, while also helping you to lose weight.

With weight loss, you are getting natural treatment for your type 2 diabetes. You may find that is enough to get better control of it and give you relief from from the high blood glucose levels. Don’t be surprised if your doctor also recommends changing up your diet and getting regular exercise, which are also important for weight loss and treating type 2 diabetes in a more natural way.

Choose the Right Coconut Oil

If you are using coconut oil to help you treat your type 2 diabetes, it is better to go with the virgin or extra-virgin varieties. While the difference matters with oils like olive oil, they usually mean the same thing when it comes to coconut oil.

With this type of oil, there isn’t an industry standard for virgin or extra virgin coconut oil. This simply means it is more of a raw and organic variety of coconut oil, which is what you need. You want to get help for your diabetes from the coconut oil without adding in more preservatives or chemicals into your body.

While this information proves that it can be helpful for type 2 diabetes, be careful if you have type 1 diabetes. You need to consult your doctor before adding this or any other food additive to your regular diet.

Keep in mind that the general recommendation is to lower how much fat is in your body when you have either form of diabetes, so it is always a good idea that you talk to your doctor before using or taking coconut oil with this medical condition.


If you have a medical condition that causes inflammation, you might be sturggling with that inflammation being a little too severe. There are some circumstances where inflammation can actually be a good thing, such as when it helps to protect damaged tissue following a trauma.

However, when the inflammation begins building, it causes pain, swelling, redness,and other unfavorable side effects.

Luckily, there are some natural remedies that can help reduce inflammation, with one of them being coconut oil. As with all other healing uses for coconut oil, you should consult your doctor before use and make sure you get the unprocessed, organic, virgin form of coconut oil.

How Coconut Oil Helps

There are a few different ways that coconut oil can help with your inflammation. The first and main reason is due to the special fatty acids in coconut oil. This includes lauric acid, which has excellent anti-inflammatory properties.

This means when you consume more coconut oil, it can help you to get those anti-inflammatory properties and further help to reduce inflammation in the body. While this might not work quite as well as your other anti-inflammatory medications, it is definitely worth looking into.

The other way coconut oil helps with inflammation is by reducing swelling and redness when applied to the affected areas of the body. This helps more with conditions like arthritis that cause pain and swelling of certain joints. You can rub the coconut oil directly on the area being affected and get almost instant relief.

Using Coconut Oil for Inflammation

While there are these different ways that coconut oil can help with inflammation, there are also different methods for using it. The method you choose will of course depend on what type of inflammation you are using it for.

If you have swelling and redness associated with inflammation from your joints, like in the case of arthritis, applying the coconut oil directly to those affected areas is usually the best option.

However, if you have an inflammatory condition causing chronic inflammation, actually ingesting the coconut oil might be a better option. This includes taking it by the spoonful, adding it to hot drinks, or cooking with coconut oil.

How Much Coconut Oil to Use

When you are administering the coconut oil directly on your skin, you just want to use enough to really rub into the skin, letting it absorb into the skin without rinsing it out. However, if you are adding it to your food, it might be a little more confusing when it comes to choosing the right amount.

This is something you should confirm with your doctor, but in general, 1-2 tablespoons of coconut oil a ay is good. This can be added to any food or drinks you choose. Start with no more than a spoonful or tablespoon of coconut oil per day and only increase this amount when you see how it is affecting your body.

Skin Conditions

Lastly, you should know that coconut oil can help heal your skin, including chronic and acute skin conditions. You might already know that coconut oil is good for reducing wrinkles and stretch marks, and helping to work as a natural moisturizer, but those are definitely not the only ways to use coconut oil on the skin!

Here’s a look at some different skin conditions that can benefit with coconut oil treatment:

Cracked Skin

Coconut oil can not only be used to help with basic dry skin, but also on skin that is severely cracked and in need of healing. Since coconut oil is completely natural, it should be safe to use on your cracked skin, such as on the heels of your feet, your elbows, or your hands.

You should try it on a small area first to make sure you don’t have any negative reactions to it. Also make sure you are only using the virgin, organic type of coconut oil as preservatives or additives might cause the cracked skin to burn.

For cracked skin, you just need to warm up some coconut oil, then rub it on your skin and let it sit for a few minutes. You can then choose whether you want to rinse it off or not, though it isn’t required.

Cold Sores

If you are someone that gets cold sores often, you will be happy to know that coconut oil can help with them! Not only is it easier to get and keep at home for a lot of different purposes, but it can help save money as well. Plus, you are using a more natural remedy for the cold sores than what is sold at your local drug store.

Since coconut oil is natural, it can actually speed up the healing process of the cold sore, and reduce scarring once it is gone. Just apply the oil directly to the cold sore; you don’t need to rinse it off.


One of the skin conditions that coconut oil can help with is acne. This is something not many people realize, and think is bad for acne since it is a type of oil. However, this is not your typical cooking oil and won’t actually make your skin oily.

There are properties in coconut oil that can kill bacteria leading to your breakouts. You want to first open the pores by steaming the face, then apply some melted coconut oil and leave it on for just a few minutes. Rinse it off with cool or lukewarm water and leave your skin alone overnight.

Baby Skin Conditions

There are some skin conditions that can occur with your infant or baby that can be remedied with coconut oil. It is even more important to test s small area of their skin first to make sure they don’t have an allergic reaction to it. Infant skin is more sensitive, so this is really important to remember.

  • Diaper Rash – The first type of skin condition your baby might deal with is a diaper rash. As long as the skin test turned out okay, you can dry a small amount of coconut oil on the diaper rash. It can be soothing for your baby’s rash and since it is completely natural, should not burn or cause any uncomfortable sensations. However, you should contact your pediatrician before using it for this purpose.
  • Cradle Cap – This is common with newborns and younger infants, caused y the scalp getting too dry. If your baby has a dry scalp with flaky skin, he or she might have cradle cap. You can massage a small amount of coconut oil onto the head and rinse off in about 15-20 minutes.
Other Skin Conditions

Other chronic skin conditions can also be treated with coconut oil, particularly ones related to inflammatory conditions. For example, both psoriasis and eczema are often worsened by the inflammatory response in your skin.

Since coconut oil is good for the skin and inflammation, it is the perfect natural remedy for these conditions. Some other skin conditions to consider using coconut oil for are:

  • Cuts and scrapes
  • Burns
  • Bug bites and stings
  • Dermatitis
  • Athlete’s foot
  • Dandruff

As you can see, coconut oil is perfect for healing your body from head to toe! In some situations, you don’t need to heat it up, because it is rubbed into your skin, but melting it is often easier.

Don’t forget you can also put some oil in your bath and soak in there to get healing properties from the coconut oil, along with any essential oils you decide to add to it.