If you are someone who suffers from mood swings, you can help balance your moods with a choice of herbal remedies. You don’t need to rely on anti-depressant, mood-boosting medications.

Many of these are addictive and some can cause the patient to become even more depressed, even leading to thoughts of self-harm and suicide.

Some herbs have been proven effective for balancing mood swings and don’t have addictive side effects.

Here are a few herbs that have given others relief. You can try one or more to see if they can help balance your mood swings and help you enjoy life more.


Kava is also known as kava kava or kava-kava. Kava tea is a refreshing drink that has sedative properties. Its calming action helps lower anxiety and stress levels. This soothes the nervous system and helps you to relax, allowing your mood to become and remain more balanced instead of fluctuating throughout the day.


Chamomile tea is an herbal remedy well-known for providing a sense of calm. Instead of turning to coffee when you feel the need to sit and relax, try a cup of chamomile herbal tea. This will not only help you to relax, but it will also help you avoid the effects of the caffeine, which can be a big trigger to mood swings.

Chamomile tea is recommended by many holistic practitioners for its anti-depressant properties. Many people suffering from mild depression experience mood swings, and taking chamomile tea has proven helpful for these patients.


Although ginger is not the most common herb used for treating mood swings, it has been found helpful in providing relief from nausea and upset stomach, which can trigger anxiety and mood swings. So, it recommended for some people as a preventative measure rather than as a treatment for the condition.

Drink ginger tea instead of alcohol or coffee during stressful moments and you will feel revitalized and its sharp flavor helps to clear your senses. As a result, you will feel more alive and alert, and less prone to setting up conditions which can trigger mood swings.


Roseroot has curative properties which help reduce lethargy and fatigue. These are symptoms of people prone to mood swings. One outstanding quality of roseroot is its role in the production of dopamine and serotonin. This helps lower the risk of depression, anxiety and mood swings.

St. John’s wort

This herb has earned an excellent reputation for centuries in helping people overcome their depressed moods. It also lessens extreme mood changes.

St. John’s wort is used in many natural anxiety supplement formulations, as it has proven to be beneficial in combating the adverse effects of anxiety and stress.

These benefits are attributed to its hyperforin content that promote neurotransmitter balance. St. John’s wort is used to promote general emotional health.

However, if you are taking prescription drugs for moods, please check with your doctor before self-administering St. John’s wort as it can affect some medications.

Balancing mood swings can be done naturally, you just need to find the herbal remedy that suits you. Perhaps it’s a cup of herbal tea, or a natural supplement taken when needed.

Either way, they are definitely worth a try. If you can find one or more that work for you, and you can avoid prescription antidepressants, so much the better.