If you prefer natural or holistic treatments, or if you are someone who experiences unwanted side effects from conventional medicines, you might be interested in knowing what homeopathic remedies are being used for shingles.
The remedies are made from natural substances derived from plants, minerals, and animals. They’re diluted to extremely low levels, which enhances the healing properties of the substance while minimizing toxicity. The idea is that the body can heal itself and the diluted remedy can prompt the body’s natural defenses to kick in and relieve your symptoms.
The effectiveness of homeopathic treatments for shingles is often a topic of debate, but many people who use them swear by their benefits. If you’re someone who has tried homeopathic remedies, you might find that they do help and are worth considering as part of your approach to managing shingles symptoms.
15 Homeopathic Remedies for Shingles
Here are some homeopathic remedies that are recognized for their potential use in managing shingles symptoms:
Rhus Toxicodendron
Rhus Toxicodendron is a plant-based remedy derived from poison ivy, a shrub that’s been used to treat various skin disorders. It’s often used for shingles with symptoms of itching, burning, and blistering skin. It’s helpful if your symptoms worsen with cold conditions.
Arsenicum Album
This remedy is made from a mineral called arsenic trioxide. It’s often used to help with burning pain that gets better with warmth. People who use it might also feel restless, anxious, and tired or weak.
This remedy comes from the plant called Daphne Mezereum. It’s used to relieve intense itching and deep pain. It works especially well when cold helps ease the pain.
Apis Mellifica
Apis Mellifica is made from honeybee venom that’s been diluted to remove the venom’s harmful effects. It’s recommended for shingles with red, swollen skin and stinging pain that feels better with cold and worsens with heat.
Ranunculus Bulbosus
This remedy is made from a plant called St. Anthony’s Turnip. It’s used for severe nerve pain, especially around the chest and ribs, and is particularly helpful when the pain is sharp.
Natrum Muriaticum
Made from common table salt, this remedy helps with blistering shingles that itch and burn. It’s especially useful when symptoms get worse with sun exposure and improve with rest.
Hypericum Perforatum
This remedy is derived from St. John’s Wort, and is good for severe nerve pain and tingling, especially if the pain is like a sharp, shooting pain.
This remedy is made from the blister beetle, a small insect that produces a substance called cantharidin. It’s used for shingles with burning pain and large blisters, especially when cold helps ease the pain.
Lycopodium comes from a plant called club moss. It’s helpful if shingles mainly affects the right side of the body and are accompanied by digestive problems or discomfort. The reason for this is that Lycopodium is traditionally associated with right-sided symptoms in homeopathy, including conditions like shingles.
So, if someone’s shingles symptoms are more pronounced on the right side of their body, Lycopodium might be considered a suitable remedy, especially if there are also digestive issues or discomfort involved.
This essential mineral is naturally present in foods. It helps with burning or prickling pain in shingles, especially if you’re feeling very tired and craving cold drinks.
It’s a nonmetallic chemical element that’s been useful for intense itching and burning with dry, scaly skin. It’s ideal if your symptoms are often exacerbated by warmth and improved by cool air.
This is derived from Atropa belladonna, a toxic perennial herbaceous plant also known as deadly nightshade. It’s recommended for sudden, intense pain and redness with a hot sensation and sensitivity to touch, often accompanied by fever. All typical symptoms of shingles pain.
Causticum is derived from the compound potassium. It’s suitable for severe burning pain and weakness, with sensitive skin that reacts strongly to touch and movement.
Calcarea Carbonica
This homeopathic remedy is made from calcium carbonate. It helps when dealing with a slow-healing rash, thick, scaly skin, and general weakness, particularly if you feel easily fatigued.
Kali Bichromicum
This remedy is made from potassium bichromate. It’s used when there are thick, yellowish, crusted blisters which are extremely painful. This remedy is particularly helpful in cases where symptoms are persistent and never-ending.
There are many homeopathic remedies for shingles available, so if you are looking for natural or holistic treatments, your holistic healer has many to choose from. There are bound to be some that will help you.