Working out is undoubtedly a wonderful way to get in shape. There is no better feeling than finishing an intense workout and feeling that high that carries you through the day. You feel strong, lean, and mean!

However, it is frustrating when you are working out like a monster and you still aren’t getting weight loss results!

You are sculpting some awesome muscles but you can’t even show them off because you can’t seem to get rid of a layer of fat that covers them!

It’s time to reconsider you diet. Yes, that’s right- the dreaded “D” word. For some people dieting isn’t a struggle, but for others it can be like pulling teeth. Food is just so delightful and the most delightfully comforting foods are usually very bad for weight loss.

The worst thing is that no matter how much of a beast you are at putting in a really good workout regimen, you just won’t see results unless you watch what you eat. There are two very simple reasons for this.

Calories In vs. Calories Out

Unfortunately, burning calories through workout is more time consuming and difficult than ingesting them.

The basic formula of weight loss is burning more calories per day than you consume.

In order to make sure you do that, you need to have a basic knowledge of how many calories you are eating with each meal and compare that to your workout.

It’s a fact that those calories add up very quickly if you don’t pay close attention to what you put in your mouth. Here is a little example: five classic potato chips have about 50 calories in them. In order to burn that off you need to go for a 6-minute run. Who eats just 5 chips? You know what they say, “bet you can’t have just one!”

Well, the saying should be “bet you can’t have just 5!” This wouldn’t satisfy anyone’s cravings or hunger. Even if you eat just 1 ounce, which is about 15 chips you are going jogging for about 20 minutes, just for a snack!

Working Out Takes Energy

A poor diet will suck the energy right out of you, plain and simple. How do you feel when you’ve pigged out on a chili cheese dog with fries? Are you ready to tackle a 30-minute intense workout? Doubtfully.

In order to maintain a good fitness schedule, your body needs essential nutrients for the energy required to complete a workout and for post-workout recovery and muscle growth.

You need your vitamins, minerals, healthy fats, healthy carbs, and well balanced insulin levels. Junk foods and sugary goodies will not deliver this, it is virtually impossible to stick with effective workouts while eating these types of foods.

You will not have the energy nor the motivation to get through these workouts. Not only that, but without the right diet you risk injuring yourself trying to complete your workouts.

So Let’s Break This Down:
  • A bad diet will not help you see results from your workouts and will undermine your motivation.
  • Your energy levels will be morbidly low, so you will feel like your arms weigh a ton and your legs are like elephant trunks.
  • Overall, your body will not feel like its running at optimal health. Why bother working out so well, when you ruin it by not keeping in check what you put into your mouth?

This doesn’t mean you can’t eat things you enjoy. In fact, an occasional cheat meal helps curb crazy cravings and trick your body into burning more calories. The key word here is occasional.

Watch what you eat, include a rainbow of fruits and vegetables, lean protein, and complex carbs in each meal. Avoid refined sugars and saturated fats and make sure to drink plenty of pure H2O. You will see a difference guaranteed.