How Homeopathic Remedies are PreparedThe sources of homeopathic remedies are plants, animal substances such as bee’s venom, minerals, chemicals, and pathogens. They are prepared by licensed homeopathic pharmaceutical manufacturers, and approved by the FDA. Many source substances are poisonous, so they are diluted.

They are non-toxic and do not cause any side effects because they are prepared in a unique way. This special preparation brings out remarkable healing capacities within each individual substance.

Each remedy is prepared by a controlled process of successive dilutions alternating with succusion (vigorous shaking) which may be continued to the point where the resulting medicine contains no molecules of the original substance.

The more you dilute a remedy, the more effective it becomes provided it is done in this way.

Here is how you do it:

You start out with combining one drop of substance with 99 drops of water. This mixture is shaken vigorously ten times. The result is a mixture diluted 100 times. When you buy it, it is labeled 1C. You take one drop of the C1 solution, and add it to another 99 drops of water which then yields a concentration of one part in thousand. The label then is 2C. This process is continued as much as 1000 times or more. A C1000 has been diluted and shaken a thousand times.

The number of the label indicates how many times a remedy has been shaken and diluted.

These small doses are called potencies. Lesser dilutions are known as low potencies. The higher the dilution when prepared in this manner, the greater the potency of the medicine.

The process of potentization makes it possible to use substances such as certain metals, charcoal and sand, which are inert in their natural state, and poisonous substances as medicines.

A potentized remedy does not contain sufficient matter to act directly on the tissue. This means a homeopathic medicine is non-toxic and cannot cause side effects. In over 200 years of use, no homeopathic remedy has ever been recalled.

The power of the infinitesimal dose is not clearly understood but neither was the action of aspirin and many other drugs.

Experience shows that those minute doses trigger a healing response in our organism if the homeopathic remedy is chosen right. It is not the remedy that does the healing, it is our own vital force or immune system.