Healthy functioning of the immune system requires that a person have good digestion. You can get a healthy digestive system by eating a diet consisting of healthy foods.
While modern life can be both hectic and busy, people should start paying attention to the stress it causes and the effect that stress has on the digestive system.
Eating Junk Food and the Digestion Process
Eating too much junk food is a common phenomenon. The normal traditions of making food from scratch has been replaced by eating junk food, including biscuits, potato chips, corn chips, ice cream, and other snacks that are processed and don’t require a lot of preparation. Junk food is cheap and easily available, making it a popular choice among young people.
A recently published study indicated that children who eat a lot of junk food have a higher incidence of developing obesity, high blood glucose levels, and hypertension – all from eating foods that are unhealthy for them.
The incidence of these disorders in as high as 25 percent, particularly among children living in urban populations and in children who come from affluent homes.
Junk foods have high amounts of fats, salt, carbohydrates, and refined sugars. They are also low in nutrition, which can lead to poor nutrient uptake, poor digestion, and the disease mentioned above. Children who eat a lot of junk food often have various health problems, such as high blood pressure, elevated cholesterol levels, diabetes, heart disease, and obesity.
Junk foods are highly processed and don’t have very much water and fiber in them, leading to constipation and other health problems.
Junk food is also very bad for the digestive system because it slows down the digestive process, making for bloating of the stomach and other digestive problems like abdominal cramps and excess gas.
The stomach needs healthy enzymes in order to properly digest their food and junk food doesn’t contain these enzymes. Junk food lacks fiber, which is necessary for the absorption of nutrients and the excretion of water through the bowels and the kidneys. This can result in irritable bowel syndrome and poor digestion.
Maintaining Healthy Digestion
There are things you can do to maximize the digestive process that doesn’t involve eating junk food. Some recommendations include the following:
- Eat small and more frequent meals containing healthy nutrients and fiber
- Get enough sleep as this can rejuvenate the digestive system
- Enjoy food slowly, focusing on chewing carefully and eating foods that are healthy for you
- When fruits and vegetables are in season, make use of them in your diet as much as possible
- Get regular exercise, at least 150 minutes of exercise per week to maximize digestion
- Decrease the intake of simple sugars, such as sucrose, which is common table sugar
- Reduce your caloric intake as too many calories can cause weight gain
Effects of Fast Foods on the Body
Fast foods are high in calories and low in nutrition. If you eat too many fast foods in your diet, your health may suffer and you may gain weight. The effects of eating fast foods on the body include the following:
- Fast foods have too many calories in them, leading to obesity
- Fast foods can cause insulin resistance, which can lead to type 2 diabetes
- Fast foods can contribute to high blood pressure
- Fast foods can lead to depressive symptoms
- Fast foods can wreck your teeth
- Fast foods can cause shortness of breath, especially when you don’t exercise
- Fast foods can cause puffiness in the body
- Fast foods can lead to bloating
- Fast foods can cause acne
- Fast foods can lead to headaches from excess preservatives
- Fast foods can be unhealthy for your heart
- Fast foods can cause elevated cholesterol in the bloodstream
- Fast foods can cause spikes in blood sugar, which can lead to type 2 diabetes
Healthy foods provide your body with the fuel it needs to do all of your bodily functions. It affects how you feel and affects your overall health. While some fast foods aren’t inherently bad for you, most are high in carbs, salt, unhealthy fats, sugar, and most are highly processed, meaning that they don’t digest well.
Fast foods are also high in caloric content but don’t provide you with the nutrition you need. When you replace a healthy diet with fast foods, you can suffer from weight gain, ill health, and poor nutrition. Eating fast foods that cause weight gain can lead to a host of other health problems, such as stroke, diabetes, and heart disease.
In short, fast foods add to the stress on your digestive system, resulting in poor nutrition and a host of health problems that can be alleviated by avoiding junk food and eating more foods that are prepared naturally at home.