Your state of mind is the biggest contributing factor to the level of abundance in your life. Abundance isn’t just about material wealth, such as a huge house, fancy car, or big bank balance. If it were, there would be many more happy people than unhappy ones.

Abundance is a point of view; a state of mind. In this guide, we will look at what abundance is, so you can live your best life.

Abundance Defined

We mentioned that abundance is not just about material possessions. It is about quality of life. It is about wealth of body, mind and spirit. You don’t need to be rich to live an abundant life.

You just have to perceive that you are fortunate and possess wealth beyond measure because you have the things that really matter in life – such as good health, family, friends, meaningful work to do, and a spiritual connection with the world around you.

Many people think that money can buy happiness. Yet the number one country in the world ranked by happiness is Denmark, where people enjoy a relatively modest standard of living compared to that of the US (number 66 on the list) and certainly a great deal less than Saudi Arabia, the wealthiest country in the world. It may be the number one in terms of wealth, but Saudi Arabia is also one of the top ten unhappiest countries in the world.

Abundance isn’t just about cash, but enjoying a better quality of life surrounded by things and people that fulfill you and nourish your soul, filling you with a sense of well-being and contentment. It can also mean freedom, civil rights and liberties being protected, and more.

Abundance is both a way of life and a state of mind. If you appreciate all you have and feel well off, you will live an abundant life, being generous to others both financially and emotionally. If, on the other hand, you are constantly feeling you are lacking in life, and envy others, all the “keeping up with the Joneses” will actually make you less content and therefore feeling you are not living an abundant life.

Now that we’ve talked about abundance is, let’s explore the abundance mindset.

The Abundance Mindset

An abundance mindset is one in which the glass is actually quite full. It appreciates what it has, to the point where it doesn’t feel envious of others and try to compete on various levels, such as the size of house, kind of car and so on.

Seeing Opportunities

An abundant mindset is one that sees opportunities and takes them for the enrichment of everyone, not just themselves. For example, if they are a business person, they will look for win-win deals in which both parties benefit, and will wheel and deal for the welfare of their workers, improving their salaries and benefits, or perhaps even creating new jobs as a result.

In Control of Their Lives

Those who live in a state of abundance only ever compete with themselves. They never worry about what other people think because they are on the right path, being their best self and living their best life.

They don’t waste time playing the victim. Instead, they take control of those things in their life that they can change. This means setting goals and working towards them. It also means not quitting when the going gets tough. They keep building on their successes even when they have a setback or two. They don’t waste time and energy whining or feeling sorry for themselves or their mistakes. They learn from them and move on.

They also don’t allow negative talk by others, or within themselves, to poison their mind in their quest to reach their goals. Often, we can be our own worst enemy. Outwardly, we might seem successful, together, poised and confident. Inside, we might be an insecure wreck just trying to fake it ‘til we make it. We might tell ourselves that we don’t deserve to have an abundant life. We might beat ourselves up for every little mistake and label ourselves a “loser”.

This can happen even to very successful people. Top actors like Natalie Portman have “imposter syndrome”, in which they think they haven’t done anything special in life, even though they have outstanding film careers, great grades at college and so on. An abundant mindset acknowledges success and tries to help others achieve their own success as well.

Helping Others

People with an abundant mindset have a laser-like focus and don’t waste time on things that don’t serve their higher mission. They pick their battles and the things they choose to spend their lime on. This is often not just work, but also their families and significant relationships in their lives.

It might also be in relation to the wider world. Many people who feel they are living an abundant life, not one of scarcity, will volunteer for causes close to their heart. They will help in the community, such as at food pantries and animal shelters. They will also be more generous in their charitable giving.

They won’t try to cheat on their taxes or dodge them, because they know that taxes benefit many people in society and support social welfare programs. They will help people not only in their own country, but also overseas in developing countries. Some might even support education initiatives, such as to send girls so school so that young women who live in societies in which educating females is rare can have a better chance of an abundant life.

Those who focus on abundance will donate to charities that don’t just give a handout, but a hand-up out of poverty. It is like the old adage, “Give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. Teach him to fish, he can be fed for life.” Charities like Mercy Corps, Heifer and Computer Aid International help individuals and communities prosper.

Spiritual Practice

People who feel they have an abundant life will often engage in some form of spiritual practice, such as attending a house of worship and being actively involved in its community. They might also pray regularly, go on retreats, and generally strive to be a better person through self-reflection. They might tithe their salary – that is, give one-tenth of their income to the church, which was a tradition for centuries.

Caring About the World Around Them

Those who focus on abundance also tend to support green issues, doing more with less. They look for sustainable products, recycle, and make environmentally smart choices. They might do green volunteerism, run their own green business to enrich others and create wealth, and engage in ecotourism, which brings much-needed income into many small communities which would otherwise have a poor standard of living.

Those who focus on abundance also concern themselves with global health issues, and support initiatives for digging wells, providing clean water, supplying malaria nets and more through a range of charities. They might volunteer overseas or go on meaningful holidays in which they do charity work while they visit.

Those who have an abundant mindset are very creative, looking for new inventions to make life easier, and ways to do things better for less time, effort and money.

Living in the Present

People who live in a state of abundance are mindful and don’t take anything for granted. They don’t live in the past, but in the present. They enjoy moments as life unfolds. They also set goals and are mindful of the actions that they take in order to make their visions a reality.

A person who lives an abundant life counts their blessings and tries to pass them along. Above all, they cultivate an attitude of gratitude; that is, regularly taking note of all they have so they don’t take it for granted.

Now that we’ve covered what an abundant mindset looks like, let’s look at some of the best ways to cultivate an attitude of gratitude.

Ways to Cultivate an Attitude of Gratitude

There are a number of ways to cultivate an attitude of gratitude so that you feel you are living an abundant life even when times get tough. Here are several of the best ways to practice gratitude regularly.

Counting Your Blessings

Each morning and each evening, think of three to five things you are grateful for that day.

Keep a Gratitude Journal

List the things you are grateful for by writing them down at the start and end of each day. Or engage in undirected writing in which you think about all the things you are grateful for and the best things about your abundance.

A gratitude journal can be particularly helpful if you know you tend to be more of a pessimist than an optimist or lean towards negative self-talk. By regularly journaling about all the things you have to be grateful for, you can maintain a positive and peaceful mind and abundant mindset – even when things start to get a bit stressful.


Meditating means to think. There are different forms of meditation – from Zen meditation, to contemplative meditation in which you choose to think about a particular topic. With Zen meditation, the goal is to empty or quieten the mind. This is a good starting point for then being able to think more deeply about important topics in your life, such as all the things you are grateful for.

Mindfulness meditation teaches you to focus on the here and now, so you can make the most of the present as it unfolds, moment by moment, and appreciate the abundance you are experiencing.

Practice Saying “Thank You” and “I Appreciate It”

Manners cost nothing, and getting in the habit of thanking others and telling them how much you appreciate them is always a good way to cultivate an attitude of gratitude.

Give Thanks and Pray

No matter what your belief system, say thank you to any higher power you believe in for all of the abundance you have in your life. Wish the same for others. You will be amazed at the power of positive thinking.

Now that you have a lot of tips on how to practice gratitude for what you already have, it’s time to look at ways to attract more abundance in your life.

How to Attract More Abundance into Your Life

By now, almost everyone has heard of The Secret, also commonly referred to as the law of attraction. The law of attraction basically states that what you pay attention to is what you get. Positive thoughts and goals will have a positive result. Conversely, negative thinking, in which you feel discontented or as if there is something lacking in your life, will result in a lack of abundance and prosperity.

With that in mind, you can manifest more abundance and prosperity if you focus on what and who you want to bring into your life, not the things you want to reject and push away. Here are a few easy ways to attract more abundance in your life.

Set Goals

Set your goals and work towards them. They will soon manifest because you will be taking practical action steps to achieve those goals.

Create a Vision Board

A vision board is like a collage in which you pin or paste up all the things you would like to attract in your life. The images might be goals, or pictures that are uplifting and make your heart sing. If you are dreaming of a trip to New Zealand or a new dress, pin it up on the board, and then think of ways to make that vision become a reality.

Use Affirmations

Affirmations are short, sharp sentences that are easy to memorize and which focus on what you really want in life. For example, if you want more abundance or prosperity, you could try these:

  • I attract prosperity like a magnet.
  • I have always been prosperous, I am prosperous and I will always be prosperous.
  • I am grateful for all of the abundance in my life and look forward to even more.
  • I am prosperous, healthy, happy and live in abundance.

Use one of these every day, or make up a couple of your own. Write them down in your gratitude journal and use them regularly.

Practice Rejoicing

Practice rejoicing in the good fortune of others. Instead of feeling envious, you will feel happy, and will therefore invite more abundance into your life rather than feel a lack of abundance. Easy ways to rejoice include watching game shows on TV and being happy for the winners, and celebrating the small as well as big victories of those closest to you.

Network with the Right People

This might sound snobby, but it actually means to hang around with positive people who share your visions and dreams. You might have loved ones in your life that say they wish you well, but actually sabotage you, either deliberately or unconsciously, or are such “downers” that you give up on your dreams in the end.

If you’ve ever noticed that some people feel really great to be around, while others seem to suck the joy from the room, it’s time to make smarter choices about how you spend your time.

Spend Your Time More Productively

Note the word spend. Time is money. If you waste a lot of time fiddling with your smartphone and social media, watching too much TV, or hanging out with negative people who hold you back from accomplishing your goals, it’s time to invest in yourself more by spending your time more productively.

The most successful people don’t have TVs; they have libraries. Invest in yourself as well, so you can overcome your weaknesses and play to your strengths.

Be Honest about Your Strengths and Weaknesses

It can be uncomfortable looking within, but the truth is that you will never be able to live a life of true abundance and prosperity unless you know yourself, value who you are, and decide that you have a right to live your best life.

Once you see what you are doing well versus what you need to work on, you can start to attract more abundance in your life. Investing in yourself through reading, studying, travelling, online education and so on can all help make your dreams a reality.

Create a Positive Environment in Your Home

Surround yourself with vision boards, light a candle, invest in some crystals, and generally make your home a productive and attractive one that you enjoy living and working in. Positive energy will encourage positivity in your life.

Many people make the mistake of equating abundance with material or monetary wealth, but that is not the case. You’re as rich as you feel. There is an ancient story about a strong earthquake destroying some houses in a small village. At one house, the earthquake revealed a treasure chest. Everyone in the village exclaimed, “Look, they’re rich now!”

The wise teacher in the village shook his head. “No. They were ALWAYS rich. They just didn’t know it.”

If you’ve been ignoring all of the abundance in your life because you’ve been too busy chasing after the things you lack, it’s time to change your focus. Stop running after everything, and let it come to you. Practice the law of attraction. Cultivate an attitude of gratitude. Focus on all the treasure you have in your life, and how much more you can gain. Then see what a difference an abundant lifestyle can make to your life and your loved ones.