Even if you have just 1 friend, you have a lot to be thankful for.

For the sake of argument though, let’s say you can’t uncover 1 single thing that makes you feel grateful. It could be that you have several issues you struggle with in life. Finding areas of happiness may be difficult for you.

If this is the case, simply ask a friend to point out the blessings in your life.

Sometimes it is very difficult for us to look at ourselves with an objective eye. A lot of people are their own worst enemies. Other people may be jealous and envious of them, but that person simply can’t see his or her own wonderful traits and blessings.

A good friend will be happy to point out all of the wonderful opportunities for gratitude in your life.

People make friends with others who are much like themselves in many ways. However, in almost every instance, your friends gravitated to you because you displayed some character or personality trait they respected.

They love your sense of humor, your compassion, the fact that you will always do a favor for a friend, or some other positive aspect of your life.

When we get down and depressed, it is difficult for us to see a sunny day.

On the contrary, when you are with that special friend who really cares about you, you lighten up that person’s life. They want to be with you and spend time with you for so many reasons.

The next time you are finding it difficult to express gratitude, let your friend remind you how grateful they are of you, and you in turn will be grateful for them.