A Paleo diet basically consists of lean meat, nuts, fruits and vegetables. This diet is devoid of processed foods and anything artificial. It’s easy to remember what foods are allowed, by thinking about what your ancestor’s many years ago would have eaten.
For example, a man who lived many thousands of years ago is not going to go shopping and buy canned goods or sugar-sweetened beverages. Instead, they would hunt for meat and search for edible foods to pick, such as vegetables, fruits, seeds and nuts. Nothing would be processed!
They didn’t have a fridge, however, they did have lean muscles. If you want to have a lean, healthy body like your ancestors, you certainly can if you want to follow the Paleo diet and eat whole, all natural foods.
Naturally, you need to exercise too, as there were no couches to relax in at the end of a hard day. Exercising helps to not only burn calories, it helps to keeps your blood pressure levels, cholesterol levels and blood sugar levels within a healthy range.
Therefore, if you are a diabetic, the Paleo diet may be recommended to you by your health care professional.
Paleo Diet – Good for Health, Good for Diabetes
The Paleo diet is a diet where you will be eating foods loaded with fiber, healthy fats and proteins, and as they are not processed you will be able to naturally reduce your sugar and sodium intake. Plus, you’ll have a healthy digestive system and balanced acid and alkaline levels.
Another added bonus is the regular intake of essential antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals.
You’ll also be eating only ‘complex’ carbs, therefore you won’t experience sugar spikes as you do with ‘simple’ carbohydrate foods.
Another reason why the Paleo diet is good for individuals, including those diagnosed with diabetes, is that it eliminates foods that contain substances that cause inflammation in the body. Examples include trans fats, canola oil, soybean oil and industrial seed oils.
You’ll find you won’t be eating foods that cause gut irritation. Instead, you’ll be eating foods that help you restore your insulin sensitivity, fight inflammation and heal your gut. This is made possible, by eating probiotic and prebiotic foods, and foods such as bone broth and leafy green vegetables.
Study Results for Following The Paleo Diet vs. The Low Fat Diet
In Patients with Diabetes
Experts conducted a study which compared a low fat diet and the Paleo diet for individuals with type 2 diabetes. The results showed that those who followed the Paleo diet experienced greater improvements in their blood pressure, blood sugar levels and triglycerides. The Paleo group also had a greater reduction in their weight, body mass index and waist circumference.
Postmenopausal and Obese Women
Another study compared Paleo dieters to a low fat diet among postmenopausal and obese women. Some of the findings showed greater fat loss and positive metabolic improvements among the women following the Paleo diet. These improvements in the metabolic markers included lowered blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol levels. The same study also showed that adhering to the Paleo diet can lead to a 50% reduction of fat storage in the liver.
These findings show that the Paleo diet is a healthy diet for diabetics, and a worthy diet for anyone who isn’t diabetic too.
Remember, the Paleo diet also includes living a healthy lifestyle, therefore, pay attention to your lifestyle habits. Make sure you get plenty of rest and exercise and manage your stress levels while you’re at it!