There’s a common myth that vegan living is expensive. That’s just not true but before we explore why it’s not true, let’s talk about why the rumor is so pervasive.


Meat substitutes as well as dairy substitutes can be pricey when you compare them side by side with the animal products they’re replacing. Ounce for ounce, a veggie burger can cost more than a hamburger. The truth is, however, that you’re going to eat much less of the substitutes than you would of the animal products.


Organic produce often does cost more than non-organic produce. However, you don’t have to eat organic to be vegan. You also don’t have to buy everything organic. You can stick to the dirty dozen and buy everything else non-organic.

Here’s the Truth…

Vegetables and grains are much less expensive than meat and animal products. Don’t believe it? Try comparing weeks. Go to the supermarket and buy your regular weeks’ worth of groceries based on a traditional diet. Don’t forget the eggs, milk, and meat. Then create a vegan menu for the following week and go shopping. You’ll spend 75 to 50 percent less. Vegetables are cheaper than meat.

And your doctor’s bill will be less too.

Can you spend more on a vegan diet? Absolutely, if you replace your meat with meat substitute items and you eat only organic produce then you can spend as much or more – but you don’t have to. A vegan diet doesn’t have to break the bank.