If you have been encouraged by your doctor to start moving and exercise, or if you just know that your body needs more movement than you are giving it, you may be questioning exactly what it is that you can do.

What exercise can you fit into your daily schedule, that won’t be difficult to learn, that doesn’t require expensive equipment, that doesn’t hurt your joints, that you can do even outside of the gym and that you can increase intensity overtime as you get better?

Walking is your answer!

Walking is the best option to answer all of those questions and even more. More countries have more and more sedentary workers as technology gradually becomes more affordable and is integrated into more businesses. This means that we get less exercise than we used and probably are eating more food than we are burning off each day.

Walking is an aerobic activity, when done at a brisk pace. And, like most aerobic activities, it will improve your cardiovascular health and fitness, help you lose weight by burning more calories and reducing your appetite and strengthen your overall health.

The aerobic activity of walking briskly will increase the blood supply to your brain, increasing your productivity and creativity. The weight bearing activity of walking will help to strengthen your bones. And because it is low impact you won’t experience as many injuries as you might jogging or running.

Like other aerobic activities, you must do just a bit of preparation. For instance, it’s important to wear the right gear for the weather. If it’s raining, be sure to stay covered. Use shoes that are built for walking, have enough cushion and support and have thick flexible soles.

Choose where you walk carefully. Avoid terrain that is uneven, has potholes or low hanging branches. Keep your attention on your environment to avoid being injured by accidently stepping into a hole or being hit by a low-hanging branch. Walk during the daylight hours and keep your attention on the people around you as well to reduce the risk that you will be surprised by another person.

And, even though you may walk everday through the grocery store and on the way to work, it is important to treat your brisk walks as exercise. This means you should warm up by walking slowly for 5 minutes before increasing your pace and slow down for the last 5 minutes as well, to cool down.

After finishing stretch your legs, arms and core. Stretching is done while the muscles are warm and will help you to cool down. It will also help your muscles from becoming stiff and inflexible, thus reducing the potential for injury.


MailOnline: Why a Walking Workout is Good for Your body

MayoClinic: Walking: Trim Your Waistline Improve your Health

Better Health Channel: Walking for Good Health

Fitness Magazine: Walking

NHS: Walking for Health

Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center: Walking is Good for Your Heart

Walking for Health: Why Walk?