Have you been fighting depression, but unable to really overcome it? Surprisingly the answer may be in your gut. Your digestive system plays a large role in your mood and your behavior, but most doctors only focus on drugs that treat your brain.

Research conducted on mice found that mice with an imbalance in their gut bacteria were more likely to engage in high risk behaviors. Research has also shown that a lack of bacteria in the gut can damage brain development and alter behavior.

Your gut and your brain actually work together in many ways and have a great deal of influence on one another. As a result, you may find that your problems with mood such as anxiety and depression are actually being influenced by problems in your gut.

In this modern world we tend to be obsessed with keeping things germ-free. We use antibacterial soaps and lotions, are overprescribed antibiotics, chlorinate the water, pasteurize our dairy products, and irradiate meat.

All of this is done in the name of safety and public health to keep disease away. But the problem is that these measures not only kill bad bacteria, they also kill healthy and beneficial microbes.

When you don’t have enough beneficial bacteria in your gut it can lead to a number of problems including digestive issues, poor immunity, inflammation, and chronic disease. There may also be a link between this lack of bacteria and mood problems including depression.

Because we’re exposed to so many germ killers, it’s important to take the time to replace the good bacteria that we need. There are two ways you can do this. First, you can take a probiotic supplement. However, the best way to improve your gut bacteria is through eating fermented foods.

Fermented foods are those that have been preserved using a process involving culturing bacteria and yeast over time. Some of the most common fermented foods include yogurt, pickles, kefir, kimchi, lassi, and kombucha tea.

When you choose fermented dairy products, try to choose those that haven’t been pasteurized as they’ll give you more active cultures. It’s a good idea to eat some type of fermented food on a daily basis.

These foods will help to restore the bacteria levels in your gut and improve your overall health. You’ll have fewer problems with inflammation and disease and you can even experience relief from depression, anxiety, and other problems related to the brain.