All yoga is great for improving your physique, but Kundalini yoga, in particular, can improve not only your physical self but your subtle one as well in order to achieve a true union of body, mind and spirit.
The chakras are seven energy centers in the subtle body. If a doctor were to cut us open, they would not see the chakras in our physical body, but doctors from a range of Eastern medical traditions use the chakras to promote health and healing.
Kundalini yoga is based upon the idea that the important energy in our body us like a coiled snake around our spine.
Through sets of postures, you can awaken that energy and then harness it to improve your health and vitality, and even accomplish certain goals.
Kundalini yoga is perfect for anyone new to yoga and can be done by anyone no matter what their age. You don’t need to be as thin as a twig or as bendy as a pretzel. You also do not need to spend hours and hours to achieve the results you wish.
Some of the most popular sets are to lose weight, increase energy, improve your sex drive, or become more prosperous in all areas of your life. No matter which you wish to accomplish, you will first have to harness the chakra energy and move it up the body to balance and to empower particular chakras.
For example, the navel chakra is the seat of passion and creativity, so a good one to work on if you wish to improve your sex drive or to become more productive at work.
Kundalini yoga uses breath of fire, that is, rapid breathing in and out from the navel point to stir the energy in the same way we would use a bellows to make a spark into a flame.
Kundalini yoga also uses 4 bhandas, or locks, to focus the energy at a certain chakra in order to move it upwards through the central channel. The 4 locks are root, solar plexus and neck lock. The 4 bhanda, the mahabhanda or great lock, is doing all three of the others at the same time.
The locks and breath of fire will be part of one or more poses you will do in the set. The effect can be extremely powerful and move your energies to the point where you feel completely joyful and at peace with the world.
If you’ve been struggling to get through each day, go online to find your nearest Kundalini yoga class and see what a difference it can make to your health and vitality.