Having a sharp memory has a host of benefits, both for work and in our personal lives. However, there are many factors that can affect our memory, including our lifestyle choices. From what we eat to how we stimulate our brains, all of these things can either help or diminish our ability to remember information when we want or need to.

These same lifestyle choices can also affect our chances of developing neurodegenerative diseases such as dementia, and specifically, Alzheimer’s disease.

On a positive note, there are also ways to strengthen our brain health and lower our risk for memory loss and cognition decline as we age.

Here are different lifestyle choices that can either benefit or cause damage to our memory:


Several presented studies show that our diet directly affects our brain health. Researchers believe that having a healthy diet, particularly one that consists of eating foods that are low in cholesterol, can positively affect heart health, which in turn also improves brain function, such as memory.

Foods that contain omega-3 and green leafy vegetables that are high in antioxidants are proven to benefit the brain.

Since diabetes has also been linked with Alzheimer’s disease, doctors believe that reduced consumption of simple and refined carbohydrates, such as products containing large amounts of white sugar, can also help preserve cognition and overall brain health.


Stress, even just momentarily, can impair memory and cognition. Being stressed makes it difficult for us to process information and store it effectively in our brains. It can also affect what we can remember from what really took place. This is one reason eye-witness accounts are not always reliable, although stress may enhance short-term memory in some cases.

Chronic stress can cause damage to our long-term memory, making it difficult for us to correctly remember things that happened in the past or suddenly forget things that have been known to us for a long time. One concrete example of this would be new mothers. New moms, who are constantly tired and sleep-deprived, often forget important details.

Physical Activity

Exercising regularly will not only keep your body toned, but it can also slow and prevent cognitive decline, including memory loss.

We all know that exercising can boost our mood. It can also sharpen our focus when doing cognitive tasks. Regular physical activities can help improve the mental functioning of older adults, especially those who are already showing signs of early onset of brain decline.

Exercising can also help improve heart health, which in turn can also slow down the incidence and effects of dementia and Alzheimer’s diseases. Studies show that having high blood pressure can further damage our ability to retain information. Obesity has also been linked to a higher risk of Alzheimer’s disease.

You don’t have to be a gym rat to enjoy the brain benefits of exercising regularly. Simple cardio activities, such as walking, jogging, swimming, or even gardening, can greatly help.


The negative effects of smoking, particularly to the lungs and cardiovascular system, have long been proven. Aside from those health concerns, research has revealed that smoking can affect memory, too. Because smoking causes damage to blood vessels, the amount of oxygen delivered to the brain is reduced, making it difficult for the brain to function as effectively as it should.

New, Challenging Hobby

A new hobby can bring more than just something to do during your extra time. Studies show that developing a new hobby or taking up classes can greatly stimulate the brain, resulting in slower brain decline and improvement in memory.

However, this new hobby of yours has to be challenging for you to truly see improvement. In a recent study, participants who took part in classes that are new to them and are perceived to be challenging improved their working memory, even long after their classes. Meanwhile, participants who only did mildly challenging activities, such as watching a movie or doing an easy crossword puzzle, showed no improvement in their memory.

Our ability to retain and recall information is a skill, which means that we can further enhance and improve it. By working our way towards a healthier and more active lifestyle, we are not only improving our physical health, but we are also sharpening our brain and, of course, our memory.