Losing weight is usually a struggle and various diet methods are promising fast weight loss. Some are effective, if only for the short-term, some are just fads. If you are looking for an evidence-based weight loss strategy that can help you lose weight, take a look at the Mediterranean diet.

The Mediterranean diet is based on the food choices of people living in Italy and Greece, and these countries are recognized as having some of the healthiest people living in the world. They appear to be less prone to chronic ‘lifestyle’ illnesses, such as diabetes, heart attacks, and strokes.

So, what are they doing differently? It largely lies in the foods they eat. Their foods are mainly whole foods, plant-based, minimal dairy, and low in animal products. Aside from their healthy diet and nutrition, they also practice healthy lifestyle habits.

If you’re trying to lose weight, here are some ‘rules’ that you should keep in mind.

Consume Vegetables and Whole Foods

The Mediterranean diet is largely composed of whole grains, vegetables, and fruits. Make sure that you only include whole oats, whole wheat, whole-grain bread, pasta, corn, and brown rice, and not processed versions that filter much of the natural goodness.

Broccoli, spinach, kale, Brussel sprouts, cucumbers, apples, bananas, grapes, and peaches are some of the fruits and vegetables that you should eat at least twice a week. Eating plenty of vegetables and whole foods is the best way to obtain the necessary nutrients that your body needs.

You Can Drink Wine with Your Dinner

Wine is a regular part of the Mediterranean diet, and you can enjoy one glass every day, preferably during dinner. Drink in moderation only, and if you have problems limiting your intake to one glass, then it is better to omit wine from your diet plan.

Remember, water should remain your default beverage! You may also drink coffee and tea, but avoid adding sweetener to them.

Use Olive Oil Instead of Butter

Avoid butter and use olive oil instead. You can use olive oil as a salad dressing and cooking oil. Olive oil is rich in antioxidants and healthy fats, which are beneficial to the body. Use olive oil whenever possible as your oil alternative.

Minimize Eating Red Meat

Eat red meat rarely, as in not too often, if you’re following the Mediterranean diet. Instead, eat lean white meats, such as chicken, turkey, and fish.

Eat Cultured Dairy Products in Moderation

You can consume some dairy products in moderation, such as cheese and yogurt.

Don’t Forget the Nuts

Nuts are good for weight loss because they are loaded with healthy fats. In the Mediterranean diet, nuts make a quick healthy snack. You can eat walnuts, almonds, cashews, sunflower seeds, cashews, Brazil nuts, etc. Just limit your portions as nuts can still put on the weight if you are not careful.

Avoid Processed Foods and Sweetened Beverages

Processed foods and sweetened drinks are among the tops causes of weight gain, so it is best to avoid them. Although the Mediterranean allows sweets occasionally, avoid foods with unhealthy ingredients, such as refined grains, added sugar, and refined oils.

Exercise, Share Foods, and Enjoy Life

Aside from the food, the Mediterranean diet also promotes a healthy lifestyle. Keep your body active by regularly exercising and doing physical activities. You are also encouraged to be social and enjoy life.

The Mediterranean diet encourages you to focus on eating healthily, but it also focuses on developing healthy habits for a longer life. There is no “can’t” in this type of diet, which you may find useful if you find it difficult to give up a certain food. However, remember to consume ‘it or them’ rarely.

The Mediterranean diet also allows you to experience a variety of foods and flavors. You may experience new tastes in the beginning, as some flavors in this type of cuisine may be unusual to you.

This type of diet is effective for weight loss. You only need to look on the Internet to see how many people say the Mediterranean diet has worked for them. If you follow this diet and give it some time to see results, you will be super happy and feel better too. Stick to this diet for approx. six months, and you should see results. You will probably stay on it for life, as it is a fantastic lifestyle diet.