The newest craze in weight loss is nutrient cycling. This way of eating allows you to eat that burger and fries and still lose weight. Many Hollywood stars have used this method of eating to stay trim.
Reese Witherspoon , Jennifer Lopez and Raquel Welch have all successfully used nutrient cycling. This method of eating has been devised into an eating program by nutritionist Haylie Pomroy.
The reason why this diet works is because it is one that can fit your lifestyle. It is not too restrictive and promotes healthy eating while allowing you to have extra calories at certain times.
The main reason why diets fail is because they are not something that you can stick to for the rest of your life. The minute you achieve your weight loss the temptation to let yourself have a few treats is high. Many times these treats are high in calories and triggers your body into gaining all the weight you have lost and more.
According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention in 2010 35.7 % of people in the US were obese and 34.2 % were overweight. This is a staggering 69% of people weighing more than they should in just the United States.
Nutrient cycling delivers fast results without depriving you of the foods you like to eat. This method of eating works because it addresses your metabolism and your adrenal glands, your live and your thyroid. These last three are considered glands and each one helps your body process food in a certain way.
By concentrating on each of these glands separately, you are increasing your metabolism and the rate at which you burn fat. Do this for four weeks and you will have become an efficient fat burning machine.
It is possible to lose as much as 20 pounds in one month using nutrient cycling. There are three phases to this diet. Let’s look at each one in turn.
Phase 1 – 2 Day Eating Cycle
This is a two day cycle which will give your adrenal glands the chance to rest. Your adrenal glands are extremely busy especially with the high amount of refined carbs which everyone eats these days.
The problem with excessive carbs is that they allow your blood sugar to spike. Your adrenal glands respond by secrete a hormone called cortisol, this is the hormone which triggers your body to store fat on your stomach. As your body experiences that energy crash your adrenals secrete a hormone called aldosterone.
This hormone is one which your body uses to use your lean muscle for fuel. At this point your body is storing fat and eating away at good muscle tissue. You are not in a fat burning mode.
The whole trick is to get your adrenal glands to not take any action and this can be achieved by the foods that you eat. If you increase your intake of fruit and whole grains you are taking a step in the right direction. Fiber in fruits and whole grains helps to slow down the release of sugar into your bloodstream.
This slow release is critical and prevents your adrenal hormones from being released. Eating fruit helps to calm your cravings for refined carbs, and fruit triggers endorphins that make you feel pleasure in what you have just eaten.
To use phase 1 properly you should enjoy three meals a day which include foods rich in carbs, has a moderate amount of protein and is low in fat. Combine this with two fruit snacks per day and don’t forget to eat something at least every three hours.
Food choices include:
- Brown rice
- Brown pasta
- Oatmeal quinoa
- Wild rice
- Rice tortillas, preferably brown rice
- Pears
- Mangoes
- Pineapple
- Berries
- Watermelon
- Kiwi
- Lean beef
- Turkey
- Chicken
- Pork
- Mushrooms
- Broccoli
- Carrots
- Tomatoes
- Zucchini
Phase 2 – 2 Day Eating Cycle
Once you have prompted your body to stop storing fat you are now ready to get your body to release those unwanted fat stores. This is a two day phase which incorporates lean protein choices.
Your body forces your liver to use the amino acids, which produce carnitine, to help boost your metabolism. Carnitine transports fat by releasing it from your fat cells allowing your body to burn it for fuel and energy. You can increase your production of carnitine by eating more protein rich foods. Your liver makes more carnitine which release higher quantities of the stored fat from your cells.
Medical studies have been conducted with show good results from increasing your intake of protein. Your lean muscle mass could increase by as much as 12 percent. This will have a huge impact on your metabolism rate.
When eating higher protein amounts you want to combine them with lots of green vegetables. This is because the green vegetables help to neutralize acids in your body. Protein promotes acid production which can actually eat away at your muscle tissue.
The green vegetables counterbalance this by producing alkaline. This ensures that your physical and mental energy is kept at its peak.
Food Choices: during phase 2 you will want to eat three meals per day which are high in protein, low in carbs and are low in fat. Your snacks should consist of two protein only snacks each day.
Suggested foods include:
- Kale
- Swiss chard
- Arugula
- Watercress
- Green lettuce
- Broccoli
- Cabbage
- Onions
- Garlic
- Lemons
- Lean beef
- White chicken and turkey
- Low fat fish such as cod and halibut
- Tuna
- Pork
- Green beans
- Wax beans
- Cucumbers
- Peppers
- Celery
- Asparagus
- Fresh herbs
- Egg whites
Phase 3 – A 3 Day Eating Dycle
By going through phases 1 and 2 you have gotten your body to stop storing fat and into a fat releasing mode. Now you need to get this stored fat to go to where it can be burned.
Phase 3 focuses on your thyroid gland and especially the T3 hormone that it produces. T3 will really take your fat burning to a new level – turbo charged. All of your cells in your body have an energy centre which is known as the mitochondria. These are the cells that burn your fat for fuel purposes.
During this phase you will eat fat friendly foods which are known as healthy fats. This type of fat helps to build your hormones so they can keep on producing T3. In addition to eating healthy fats such as fish, avocados and walnuts you will be eating legumes and lean protein.
In fact, you will want to consume foods which are known to be rich sources of inositol and choline. These nutrients are extremely effective at preventing released fat stores from being reabsorbed and stored as fat.
Food Choices: as we mentioned above you will want to consume health fats including walnuts, olive oil, avocados, coconut oil, black beans and brussel sprouts.
You will want to eat three meals per day which contain moderate amounts of protein, moderate amounts of carb foods. Your two snacks should be two healthy fat snacks each day.
Suggested foods include:
- Coconut oil
- Shrimp
- Lobster
- Seaweed
- Salmon
- Tuna
- Nuts
- Seeds
- Avocados
- Olives
- Almond butter
- Hemp seeds
- Hummus
- Berries
- Grapefruit
- Artichokes
- Asparagus
- Leafy greens
- Eggplant
- Spinach
- Sweet potatoes
- Barley
- Wild rice
- Oatmeal
- Quinoa
- Sprouted grain bread
Nutrient cycling is a great way to eat healthy food and still lose weight. People on this eating plan are told not to count calories! Instead you focus on each of the Phases and eat according to how much weight you want to lose.
This newly developed eating plan will help speed up your metabolism and turn your body into a fat burning machine. The problem with most diets is that they are too low in calories and deprive your body of necessary nutrients.
You can learn more about nutrient cycling in Haylie Pomroy’s new book ‘The Fast Metabolism Diet’. This book comes with 4 weeks of meal plans and over 50 easy to make recipes.
If you are looking to lose weight quickly this method has been shown to have helped people lose up to 28 pounds in the first month alone.
“Without question, Haylie is the biggest celebrity weight loss guru… period. And here’s the reason so many stars and athletes flock to her: it works, and it’s easy. Unlike all of the “quick-fix” gimmicks and fad diets, the weight STAYS off. I dropped 25 lbs. in the first month, and 10 more after, all with great food, and no counting calories. I call her my witch (the good kind). It’s not magic, but it sure feels like it.” -David Swift, CEO Swift Entertainment
Other people who have been on this diet have stated that it is so easy to follow and that you will be eating lots of food, you will never feel deprived. Some people with thyroid problems are using nutrient cycling with a hope to seeing their issues improve.
Does this diet really work?
Here is why this diet is receiving an enormous amount of attention:
Your metabolism!
Why is your metabolism so important when it comes to losing weight? First you need to truly understand what your metabolism is and how it works. Your metabolism is a process in your body and can be explained as the method that your body converts food into one of two things: fuel or a body substance such as muscle or fat.
People with a fast metabolism rate are able to easily process food into heat and energy which in turn creates a strong and healthy body. If your metabolism is slow then you will be storing fat instead of burning it. This results in fat cells forming on your belly and thighs as well as in other places.
Medical research has shown that it is possible to speed up your metabolism by eating the right types of food.
If your metabolism is not working effectively you need to train it how to work again. This can be achieved by mixing up your foods and confusing your metabolism. It is important to eat nutrient dense foods on certain days and eat at least once every three hours. By doing this your metabolism will start to work properly again.
Each phase of this Nutrient Cycling diet has been designed with specific food choices. These choices will trigger your body to relax in a certain way. That is to unlock fat stores and burn them. By changing these cycles your metabolism is forced to work hard as it doesn’t know what to expect each day.
It is not necessary to count calories during any of the three phases. A calorie is actually a measurement which relates to the amount of energy it takes to raise the temperature of one gram of water by one degree.
Nutrient cycling can be done by anyone and not just for those who want to lose weight. This method of eating is extremely healthy and will keep you fit and at your ideal weight regardless of your situation. This diet can be adapted for anyone with allergies or food sensitivities and with any other type of medical condition.
Healthy eating consists of eating real fresh foods and not processed ones. You shouldn’t be eating foods which have a long ingredient list that you can’t read. Junk food and fad diet foods should be avoided. Instead you want to choose foods that are fresh and low in fat and foods which will encourage your metabolism to burn fuel.
By eating in this manner you will find that you are not hungry at all. You may just be surprised at how much food you can really eat.
By following a healthy eating plan which incorporates nutrient cycling you will find reaching your goal weight easy. Plus by the time you are at your desired weight you will have learned enough new food habits that you won’t want to go back to your old way of eating.
People who have used this method successfully suffer from thyroid problems, celiac disease, arthritis, hormone problems and diabetes. There is no reason why it won’t work for you as well.
To jump start your metabolism check out the ‘The Fast Metabolism Diet’ [Insert affiliate link] today. If you commit to following this eating method for 28 days your body could easily become an efficient fuel burning machine. You won’t have to worry about turning down invitations to birthday parties and BBQ’s for fear of wrecking your diet.
Your new body will have the ability to handle any food you choose to eat.