You eat healthy, you exercise and you pay attention to your body. However, you might be missing one important and surprising step that strengthens your bones and helps prevent osteoporosis.
We’re talking about stress reduction.
Chronic stress weakens bones. Occasional stress isn’t a big deal and for most people it’s unavoidable. Things happen in life that cause stress.
You move, you get a new job, or maybe a loved one is facing some challenges. It’s stressful and as long as this type of stress is intermittent, it’s okay.
However, chronic stress causes a slow deterioration of your bones. When you’re stressed your body releases a hormone called cortisol. In fight or flight situations this hormone is useful. However, under chronic conditions this hormone causes significant damage to your body.
It not only causes you to store energy as fat, it interrupts your sleep, effects your immune system and depletes your bones. Stress causes your bones to deteriorate faster than normal age related bone loss.
What Can You Do About It?
Identify areas of your life that are causing you stress and create systems to better manage it.
For example, if you have to commute in heavy traffic every day it you might switch to public transportation or listen to soothing music when you drive.
Meditation, exercise, and scheduling time for yourself on a daily basis can also help reduce stress.
Protect your bones, take some time away from all the hustle and bustle, and relax. Your bones will thank you for it.