You may have heard of the Paleo diet and the Primal diet and thought they were the same thing. While they’re closely related, they’re actually two separate diet programs with some obvious differences.

Dairy Differences

The Paleo diet is famous for being grain free and dairy free. The primal diet is grain free, but dairy is a food that is on the plan. However, that doesn’t mean that all dairy fits with this program.

With Primal the focus is on eating full fat dairy, and raw if you can get it. You’ll also choose fermented dairy such as yogurt and kefir. There is also an emphasis on sourcing dairy from pasture-raised animals rather than from factory farms.

In other words, you can have dairy, but it needs to be from high quality sources and you’ll use it as a small part of your diet, not a major component of it. Dairy can be a healthy way to consume fats, increase your calcium intake, and provide protein.

Potatoes and Other Nightshades

The Paleo plan restricts potatoes and other nightshade vegetables including peppers, eggplant, and tomatoes. That doesn’t mean you can’t have them on Paleo, but many people eliminate them and the slowly add them back to see if there are intolerances.

With the Primal program, nightshades are not restricted in any way. Potatoes, peppers and eggplants are commonly found in Primal recipes and are encouraged as part of the eating plan. So, if you love potatoes, Primal might be more your speed.


Paleo also restricts legumes – which includes beans, lentils, and peanuts. With Primal, legumes aren’t restricted. If you enjoy legumes the Primal way of eating may be more in line with your preferences.

But if you find that you don’t like legumes or that they make you feel bad, the Paleo lifestyle may be more in keeping with your individual needs and preferences.


Both the Paleo and Primal diets recommend a low-carb lifestyle. That doesn’t mean that you don’t have any carbs, but they both restrict grains and processed sugar. For most people eating the Western diet, grains and sugar are the primary source of carbohydrates.

By eliminating these foods you naturally will eat fewer carbohydrates than on the typical Western regimen. And, by reducing carbohydrates, you can reduce your risk of diabetes, heart disease, and lose weight.

The Bottom Line

These diets are very similar, but do have a few small differences. Both diets will improve your health and help you to maintain a healthy weight. It really comes down to what makes you feel the best and works the best with your preferences.