Getting ready for change can be hard, especially when you don’t have a plan in place. If you’re following a new way of eating then that change can go from being hard to seeming downright impossible. After all, the way that many of us deal with stress is by grabbing our favorite comfort food.
If you’re changing the way you are eating, then your favorite comfort food is likely not an option. This is why it’s critical for you to have a plan in place in order to prepare for your change.
The first thing you want to do is determine whether or not your family will be taking this journey with you. If they aren’t, that’s okay, it’s important to remember that forcing them might wreak havoc on your own whole in 30 success.
Still, if your family is eating differently than you then you don’t want that temptation around. An easy solution for this might be to organize your kitchen so that all foods that are restricted to you during your whole in 30 are in a pantry or part of the refrigerator where you cannot see them. This way your family still gets to keep the food routines that they are used to while you can avoid the temptation of those old foods.
Another way to be prepared is to clean out your kitchen. As you can imagine, this can be a little more tricky if you are living with family members who are not eating the same way that you are. But if you are able to go through your kitchen and remove everything that is unhealthy, as well as everything that does not comply with your whole in 30 rules, then you’re removing all of your unhealthy options out of your life.
Rather than throw these foods away, see if you can donate them to your local food pantry or find another way to make good use of them.
Lastly, an easy way to be prepared is to try to plan your meals around foods that don’t easily spoil. When you aren’t used to making frequent trips to the grocery store, it is very easy to cheat on your healthy food transition when you run out of ingredients for your whole in 30 meals.
On the other hand, if you plan your meals around foods that don’t spoil easily then you run less of a chance of wasting food that you might not be ready to use.
For instance, if you have a recipe that calls for 3 cups of pineapple and you find a freezer bag with 4 cups of pineapple then you don’t have to worry about how to use that last cup, because you know it’s being stored safely in your freezer where it can easily last until you plan your next meal rotation.
When you take the time to prepare for your change you are one step ahead of any potential hurdles and pitfalls. If you dive into this headfirst, without a plan, you will greatly hinder your chances of success.
When things get tough and the cravings begin to hit, the temptation to eat something outside of your whole in 30 guidelines might be overwhelming.