Sinus headache affects a huge amount of the population. This is a headache caused by sinuses that are congested with mucus. This could be because of a cold, the flu, or allergies. Sinus headache is especially troublesome for people who have problems with sinus infections.
The sinuses in the head are open areas where fluid can drain. Unfortunately, if you suffer from allergies or have another kind of upper respiratory infection, the sinuses can become very full of fluid. This fluid can become thicker and may be difficult for your body to expel when you blow your nose.
The pressure that builds up in your sinuses can cause pain. You can have pain basically anywhere you have sinuses. People who have severe sinus infections may have pain when they even touch their face. Sinus headache can also be paired with pain and pressure in the teeth because there is a sinus cavity just above the mouth.
Suffering from sinus pain is miserable. But there are a few things you can do to minimize the symptoms and get better fast. For many people taking an over the counter medication for pain relief as well as a decongestant can help to reduce pain. It will also help you to clear your sinuses. Decongestants and expectorants together will help to thin the mucus and allow you to expel it from your head.
You can prevent problems by making sure to use decongestants, take steamy showers, or use spicy food to help you keep your sinuses clear at the first sign of congestion. But in some cases, sinuses become extremely blocked and you may develop a sinus infection. In this case you’ll need to see a doctor to get a prescription for antibiotics. These are drugs that will help to kill the infection and help you get better fast.
Another method for reducing sinus pressure is to cleanse the sinuses. Many drugstores carry netty pots or other kinds of systems that help to clean the sinuses. With these you use a warm water solution of salt and baking soda to clean your sinuses. To do this, you pour water into one nostril and let it flow out from the other side. After you’ve done this, you’ll be able to blow your nose gently and expel mucus. This may not sound too pretty, but you’ll be amazed by how much relief it will bring to your sinus headache.