Mental health is often more delicate than we think and following a serious diagnosis, it is at its most fragile. Suddenly you have to worry about more than just the disease itself, you now need to consider the toll it can take on your mental health as well.
Depression and Parkinson’s often go hand in hand and according to the Parkinson’s Foundation, around 50% of PD patients will experience mental health issues.
Not only is exercise good for preventing your muscles from stiffening too much, it will provide you with a much-needed boost of endorphins and help battle depression. A study from the Gunma University Graduate School of Medicine found that just 15 minutes of exercise would significantly reduce your body’s cortisol levels as was the participants’ depression.
Balanced Diet
You can manage your Parkinson’s symptoms by choosing the right types of food, but the same can also be said for depression. Eating a healthy diet is crucial to maintaining your overall health – the Mediterranean diet is a great place to start, but choosing fruits, vegetables, and foods packed with Omega 3 Fatty Acid will help.
Blood Sugar Levels
According to a study, ( which analyzed data from six different countries – depression might just have more to do with sugar consumption than ever realized. It makes sense, considering when you indulge in a sugary snack you ride a high before experience a complete crash that sends you into a grumpy spiral. Make sure that part of your balanced diet has factored in healthy meals and snack times to keep your blood sugar level on the level.
Omega 3 Fatty Acids
The ultimate in brain health foods – omega 3 fatty acids play an integral role in your body’s performance. If you love fish, then you’re in luck as fish like salmon, herring, sardines, and mackerel are a great source of the fatty acid.
Other sources include nuts, but if you don’t feel like you can get enough of it from the foods that you eat make sure you get an adequate supplement. Fish oils are a great place to start, and they are available in capsule form.
Sleep Well
Sleep is so vital to your overall health. If you already have difficulty sleeping you may want to consider investing in a light box, which can help your body stay on track. Create a nighttime routine that will remind your body when you’re preparing for sleep, too.
Turn every screen off at least an hour before you plan to slip under the covers and either read a book, do a light yoga pose or two, meditate, or perhaps just sit quietly with a cup of chamomile tea.
Indulge Your Passions
One of the most important things for anyone is indulging your passions, but more so for anyone who has been diagnosed with a disease like Parkinson’s. If you already have a hobby or activity that you love doing making sure that you make the time to do it as often as possible.
If you haven’t yet found your passion now is the time to discover what it is! Whether you enjoy chess, backgammon, attending sports events or playing badminton – experiment with hobbies until you find your niche. When you do find that passion – indulge it to the max.
Depression can be destructive to your overall health, not just your mental health. It tends to push people to avoid their loved ones, stay inside, and depressed people often lose interest in the activities they once held dear. This is why it’s vital that preventative measures are taken as soon as you receive a diagnosis. Don’t allow it to sink its claws into you.