As with any type of diet or weight loss plan, there will be both pros and cons that you should consider before you get started. This way, you know exactly what you’re getting into and you can decide before you begin if Bullet Proof coffee is for you.
Pros of Bullet Proof Coffee
Here are a few of the short-term and long-term benefits of drinking Bullet Proof coffee:
Better Brain Function
Your brain needs a number of fatty acids to function properly. In fact, many people that suffer from brain fog or slow mental cognition do so because they don’t have enough fatty acids in their diet. Bullet Coffee provides a number of fatty acids in both the butter and the Brain Octane Oil, increasing your focus and your brain’s abilities to function.
Improved Energy
Rather than a temporary boost of energy that you get from regular coffee which has you running back for another cup after cup every day, Bullet Proof coffee improves your energy without the crash. This is because the caffeine provides an immediate boost, and then as your body digests the fats, you continue to feel that energy for several hours after you drink it.
Hunger Suppression
As discussed in the previous section, because of the way Bullet Proof coffee encourages your body to burn fat for fuel rather than glucose, you will have suppressed hunger throughout the day as your body learns to switch quickly between burning glucose and stored fat for energy. This is what has led to greater weight loss by many people that have started drinking Bullet Proof coffee.
Cons of Bullet Proof Coffee
Here are a few of the drawbacks of drinking Bullet Proof coffee that you have to consider before starting:
Lacking in Key Nutrients
Because the idea of Bullet Proof coffee is that you replace one of your meals with it, this means that you have less calories to consume that have essential nutrients in them. Although the ingredients in Bullet Proof coffee do have some key ingredients, they don’t have as many as if you had eaten a whole food meal instead, which means you have to make sure you eat nutrient-packed food for your other meals.
May Raise Your Cholesterol
Because Bullet Proof coffee encourages ketosis, you have to be aware of the side effects that some people experience when doing a ketogenic diet. Although most people experience lower cholesterol along with a loss of fat, others can see a dramatic increase in cholesterol, which puts you at a greater risk of heart disease.
For this reason, it’s advisable that you have your cholesterol checked regularly if you start drinking Bullet Proof coffee until you know for sure how it will affect this.
There’s No Backing Studies
Because Bullet Proof coffee and the Bullet Proof diet are fairly new to the health scene, there haven’t been any scientific studies done on them and their effects, either in the short-term or the long-term. That means that there could be other negative impacts of drinking Bullet Proof coffee that people aren’t seeing yet or aren’t aware of, but it could also mean that it’s even more effective than people realize.