When it comes to addiction – whether it’s a substance or behavior – the real issues are underlying emotions and mental health. Once a person is detoxed from a substance it’s important to deal with the underlying emotions that led to the addiction in the first place.
Over 20 million people suffer from alcohol or other substance abuse. And when you add other addictions such as gambling and sex addiction the numbers grow even more staggering.
Addiction is a complex issue and it helps to have many tools in your corner. One way to combat some of the underlying issues and help you to stick to your recovery program is to use essential oils.
Essential oils can have a powerful effect on your mind and body and support you in recovery. You can diffuse the oils for aromatherapy to get the effects. Let’s take a look at some of the best essential oils for addiction recovery and emotional balance.
Black Pepper
You may think of pepper as a food seasoning, but essential oil from the pepper plant actually can be used for aromatherapy. It will help you to feel calmer and can ease anxiety. It can also reduce cravings and improve your serotonin levels (your happy hormone) naturally.
Clove essential oil can improve your immune system and help you to keep illness at bay. It will also support your liver during addiction recovery as you clear substances from it. You’ll also find that it helps to treat issues with oral health.
Chamomile has long been used for relaxation and better sleep. It can help your liver to detox and it can also help you to deal with feelings of anxiety and irritability that often come with withdrawal and addiction.
Geranium essential oil can help you to feel calmer. It can also help you to feel more grounded – a sense of having connection to the earth and feeling centered. It can also help you to release negative emotions and feel less resentment.
Peppermint oil can quickly help you to feel more energized and alert. But it can also help you to get relief from emotions that are causing you pain. It can also help you to feel more resilient as you work your program. Additionally, peppermint oil aids in digestion.
Wild Orange
Wild orange oil is one that often gets overlooked. This oil, though, has powerful effects. It can help you to get relief from anxiety and stress. If you suffer from depression it can also help you to get relief.
If you’re struggling with sleep this essential oil can also help you to get a good night of rest and healing. At the same time it can help you to have more energy when you need it.
Helichrysum is an essential oil that can reduce physical pain in the body, something that is quite useful during addiction recovery. It can also aid your liver in detoxification. For emotions, this oil will help you to feel calmer.