Coconut oil is very safe to use for most people, except for those who have an allergic reaction to it. Even young children and babies can benefit from coconut oil for things like minor cuts and scrapes, but you need to be extra careful. Here are some tips for using it safely on your newborn or infant.
Test the Oil First
Before you start using coconut oil on your newborn baby, after talking to your doctor, make sure you have tested it on a small area of skin. Use a very small amount of the coconut oil, making sure it is only organic and all-natural virgin coconut oil. Don’t warm it up to scalding, only enough to get it a little more malleable.
Rub a small amount on a very small section of skin, then wait a few minutes to see if there is a reaction. If your baby starts crying, or you notice redness or other signs of irritation, do not use it on your baby. While it is safe for most people, some have an allergic reaction to it.
Use the Right Type of Oil
You also need to make sure you are using coconut oil that is safest and most natural for your newborn baby. Don’t just get any type of coconut oil without looking at both the label and the ingredients list. This puts you at risk of getting coconut oil with additives, preservatives, or that has gone through a chemical process.
You want your baby to have the most natural form, which means looking for raw, organic coconut oil that is virgin or extra virgin, and is unrefined, not refined. This will be the most natural coconut oil possible for your baby.
Be Careful with Diaper Rash
Coconut oil is often recommended to use on diaper rash, but you need to be careful. This is when using only organic, extra virgin coconut oil with nothing added comes in handy. Only use a very small amount, and ask your pediatrician before you use it. They may have noticed negative reactions with coconut oil if you used it for other purposes, and may suggest you not use it.
You can also make your own natural baby wipes with soft microfiber cloths and coconut oil to prevent the diaper rashes from forming in the first place.
Most babies can tolerate coconut oil with no trouble, but always test it first and ensure it is not warm after you have melted it.