Now it is time to actually put your knowledge to practice. You should be getting excited, because in a very short period of time, you will begin to look and feel better than you have in years, possibly even decades.
Get started today, follow this sample detox plan, and weight loss, “all day” energy, healthy, young, strong looking and feeling skin and hair and a sharper mind will be your rewards.
Relying on the right foods during your liver detox plan is very important as it can aid your liver to get rid of more toxins. While there are many who swear by the efficacy of juicing to cleanse their liver, this is sometimes hard to maintain, especially in the long run.
It is extremely important that you strictly follow the liver detox plan but it is also important that you eat the right foods to create optimal liver health. This chapter discusses what you need to know about eating for a healthy liver.
Tips for a Healthy Liver Diet
Once you learn what to eat, you can ensure your liver continues to function at a healthy level for the rest of your life. It is important you choose the right foods to avoid complicating the conditions of a toxic liver. The right foods will help you hasten the speed of your cleanse as you feed your body foods that will not overwork your liver.
Upon Waking Drink a Glass of Hot Lemon Water
This is an essential part of any liver detox program. It helps to flush the liver of toxins and alkalizes the body. Squeeze the juice from ½ a lemon into 8 ounces of hot or warm water.
Eat Foods that have Low Salt
Remember that too much salt can overwork your kidneys and this organ is essential for successful liver detox. Both kidneys and liver work hand and hand to properly cleanse your body of waste.
Eat Foods that are Low in Fat
High fatty foods can endanger your liver as they can overwork your organ to produce more bile to break down fats. The exception here is healthy fats like those found in avocados and coconut oil. However, even these foods should be limited.
Eat More Fiber
Fiber helps the liver slow down its absorption of glucose. This helps you regulate a healthy body weight. Remember that glucose is stored in the liver and the faster it is transported to the liver, the higher chances of developing fatty liver disease. The presence of fiber from fruits and vegetables slows down the uptake of glucose by the liver.
Avoid Fast Foods and Processed Foods
This one is self-explanatory. Fast food items and processed foods, foods which come in a wrapper, container, box or can, contain high amounts of fats, salt, trans fats, MSG (monosodium glutamate) and sugar which, impede the proper functioning of the liver. Those unhealthy food items also cause a long list of other health problems. This includes, but is certainly not limited to, snacks, pastries, baked goods, candies, fried foods and soda drinks.
Avoid Alcohol of All Kinds
Alcohol does nothing good for your liver or the rest of your body. It causes your liver to work overtime to break it down and rid the body of it. If you have gotten into the habit of having a “night cap” to help you sleep, take this time to break it. Alcohol does not help to promote restful sleep.
In fact, it does the complete opposite – it damages your sleep cycle. Among other negative consequences, poor sleep will further impact your liver because it is during sleep that the liver really does its job of cleansing your body. Bottom line – stay away from it.
Menu Suggestions
Food preparation for a healthy liver detox need not be complicated. Below are some simple meal suggestions that you can prepare to achieve a healthy liver cleanse.
Eat oats or whole grain bread with skim milk. Other breakfast options include a piece of banana and fresh fruit juice or yogurt mixed with berries. You can also drink black coffee as research suggests that black coffee is very beneficial to the liver. (Limit your coffee consumption to no more than 2 small cups, and skip the cream and sugar.)
Avoid cheese and red meat. Go for white meats like chicken or turkey. Eat organic whenever you can. You can also consume vegetable soup or a clear consommé and a tossed salad. Do not consume sweet desserts like cake or other types of decadent pastries. Instead, opt for fruits. Make sure to drink lemon water to wash down your meals.
Snacks can be any type of salt-free nuts, celery, carrot sticks or dark chocolate. (Keep your dark chocolate consumption confined to natural, organic products with no added sugar and other harmful ingredients.) You can also eat plums, raisins or any fruit of your choice.
You can eat a large dinner but do not eat beyond the capacity of your stomach. Give yourself time to process the food that you eat, chewing thoroughly. If you listen to your body, it will tell you when you are full. Choose white meat or fish, insisting upon wild caught fish as opposed to farm raised.
If you opt for chicken, make sure that you do not fry it. Add any type of vegetable dishes that are steamed, roasted or baked. Drink lemon water or skim milk to finish your meals.
Below is an example of a one-day diet plan for a healthy liver detox.
Breakfast | Lunch | Snack | Dinner |
4 slices of fruit
Lemon water | Vegetable salad
1 roasted rainbow trout
3 pieces artichoke hearts
½ tbsp. toasted sesame seeds | 2 plums
6 almonds | 1/3 cup cooked brown rice
1 cup boiled lentils
½ cup sautéed mushrooms
Large vegetable salad
Lemon juice |
When preparing healthy liver detox meals, you can vary them so that you are comfortable with the food you eat. It is important to take note that you don’t have to sacrifice your enjoyment to food while you are doing a liver detox. What is important is you choose your food wisely.