Should I Change My Diet?The answer is – it depends! If you are on the standard American diet, it certainly would be a good idea to improve your health and speed healing by opting for a plant-based diet of whole and raw foods, and to avoid any kind of refined and processed foods. Go for natural foods instead of food products.

To make it clear: you should change your diet for sustainable health, not because it is required for homeopathic treatment.

The founder of homeopathy stressed the importance of diet and lifestyle in healing, and he recommended a frugal diet of natural foods.

Diseases have a cause, and malnutrition is cause of about 90% of modern illnesses. Those can be reversed and stopped by a change of diet.

You did not fall ill because you didn’t take enough homeopathics. If your lifestyle is like that of most Americans, dietary errors over a long time are a major cause of your health problems.

Once you have become ill, homeopathy is the medicine to activate your immune system to heal you in a gentle and safe way.

To keep your new level of health, it is up to you to adjust your lifestyle. Homeopathy cannot save you from contracting all those illnesses caused by malnutrition. If you continue eating processed food, you are bound to get ill again despite homeopathy.

Important Note:  Do Not Ingest Any Type of Mint While Taking Homeopathic Medicine. Mint Will Nullify the Effects of Whatever Homeopathic Remedy You Are Taking!

Below is a list of diseases caused by the standard American diet. It is long and scary.

  • Caries, periodontal disease, tooth displacement
  • Rheumatism, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, spine and spinal disc problems
  • Obesity, diabetes, liver diseases, gall stones, kidney stones, gout etc.
  • Constipation, gall bladder and pancreatic diseases, colitis, Crohn’s disease, digestive disorders
  • Arteriosclerosis, heart attack, stroke, thrombosis
  • Recurring respiratory inflammation, bladder infection, pyelitis
  • Allergies, eczema
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Cancer (not the sole cause)

To prevent and reverse the above diseases, simple dietary changes will do wonders.

  • Replace refined flour and all food products made of refined flour with whole grain flour. It is best to buy the grains and mill it either in a blender or a grain mill. Do not grind ahead of use as the ingredients of grains turn rancid quickly when exposed to air. Use brown rice, whole grain noodles, etc.
  • Include a large plate of raw vegetables from above and in ground with your meals. Eat the raw veggies before the cooked food as this will spare your immune system. On cooked food your body produces leucocytes as if it was dealing with an infection. It doesn’t when you eat raw food before the cooked stuff.
  • Be sure to use only natural fats and unrefined cold pressed oils. Natural fats are butter, cream, sour cream, nuts, olives, avocados, etc.
  • Eat a dish of raw cereal for breakfast. This is a simple but highly health boosting means which has been in use in Europe for more than 60 years. Just coarsely blend 3 tbsp. whole oat kernels and combine it with cut-up fresh fruit, some nuts and a little whipping cream.
  • Last not least, avoid all kinds of man-made sugar and sweeteners such as syrups even if they come from a health food store. Use sweet fruits or raw honey instead.