Aromatherapy oils are oils that are created from natural elements. They’re also called essential oils. They range from lavender to grapefruit and everything in between. They offer a number of therapeutic benefits, cleaning help and even health benefits.
Here are nine smart ways of using aromatherapy oils in your home:
1 – Water Diffuser & Room Freshener
Add six to eight drops of your favorite scent to a bowl of water. If the water is warm, it will help spread the scent more quickly. You could place the bowl on a table or counter.
If you’re really in need of a quick freshening, simply add the drops to a pan of boiling water. Choose your essential oils based on your mood or need.
For example, if you want to freshen up your home lemon, verbena, orange or other light scents are ideal. If you’re looking to relax, try lavender or sandalwood.
2 – Room & Linen Deodorizer
Add a few drops of essential oil to water in a spray bottle. Keep a bottle in your bathroom. Spray near pet areas. Or use the spray to freshen linens. Lavender spray in your bedroom is a great way to add a relaxing scent.
3 – Sachet & Closet Freshener
Add a few drops of essential oils to cotton balls and place in drawers or your closet. Lavender, cedar or sandalwood are nice choices.
4 – Heat Diffuser
Place a few drops of essential oils on a cotton ball or wool ball and place inside a heating vent. When your furnace kicks on the blower will help spread the scent throughout your home.
5 – Sinus Remedy
If you’re ill or struggling with congestion place eucalyptus oil in hot water. Consider placing the oil in a hot water vaporizer as well.
6 – Refrigerator Deodorizer
Place several drops of orange, mint or lemon oil in a bucket of warm water. With a clean sponge, use the water to clean out your refrigerator.
7 – Counter Cleaner
Add lemon, thyme, basil or even geranium oil to equal parts distilled white vinegar and water. Use to clean countertops in your kitchen and bathroom.
8 – Light Bulb Room Freshener
Place a drop of your favorite oil on your light bulbs. Make sure to add the oil when the bulbs are cold. When the light is on and the bulb heats up it will heat the oil and fill the room with scent. Consider placing lavender oil on bedroom light bulbs to relax. And invigorating grapefruit or other citrus scent in your home office.
9 – Furniture Polish
Add four to six drops of lemon essential oil to half a cup of olive oil. With a clean dry rag, use the oil to polish wood furniture.
Essential oils fill your home with fresh and natural scents. You can be sure you’re providing your loved ones with a safe environment free from harmful chemicals when you use aromatherapy oils to clean and deodorize your home.