The fat smash diet is based on the principle of smashing your bad habits and creating healthy ones. This diet was created by the popular author of other diet books Doctor Ian K. Smith. His diet revolves around fruits and vegetables and is not designed to be a quick fad diet but rather a 90-day plan to establish healthier eating habits and a healthy lifestyle.

Four Phases of The Fat Smash Diet

The fat smash diet plan consists of a 4 phase plan with all phases lasting for different times and intensities. The plan starts out strict in what you should eat, although it allows a little more freedom later on in the diet as you learn about more informed choices of foods.

This diet is not designed for the time-poor as you will need to allocate time for cooking foods and participating in regular physical activity daily.

Special Dietary Needs

The diet is flexible enough that if you require vegan or vegetarian options the diet can be suited to your preferences and meat can be substituted with healthy plant-based protein alternatives. For people who are gluten intolerant the diet can also be tailored around gluten-free foods.

Phase 1

Phase one of the diet lasts for a total of 9 days and is the most strict of all of the phases. The first phase is basically a vegetarian detox to rid your body of toxins and impurities.

You are required to eat 4 – 5 small portions per day 3 hours apart and drink plenty of water to help expel the toxins from your body.

These foods are to be paired with 30 minutes of cardiovascular exercise per day (5 days per week). All meat, grains, and alcohol are forbidden in this stage.

Phase 2

Phase two of the diet is to last for a total of 3 weeks and has slightly more freedom than phase one. You are given a list of foods that you will be allowed to eat including lean meat and certain cereals.

You are not to skip any meals as it is the same eating system as undertaken in the first phase. Physical activity is also to be increased by 15 percent in the second phase.

Phase 3

Phase three of the diet is 4 weeks in length and is called the construction phase. This is where you build the diet up and sharpen your focus on portion control.

Four meals daily with slightly larger portions are introduced in this phase. It allows a larger variety of healthy foods including bread and some dairy. Your exercise will also be increased by 25 percent in this stage.

Phase 4

Phase four is the final stage of the diet lasting the remainder of the 90 days. This stage is all about maintaining your desired healthy weight and adding small portions of previously prohibited foods as treats.

Physical activity in the phase will be 1 hour per day for 5 days of the week to maintain your goal weight. If you have not achieved the weight loss that you had hoped for you may repeat phase one to get you there.

‘The Fat Smash Diet’ book contains 83 pages of recipes, menu ideas, and a range of useful tools that will help you to achieve your desired weight loss goal. A BMI (body mass index) chart and a calorie expenditure chart for your physical activity are also included in the book.

As the diet is low in saturated fats and high in plant-based foods it is a great diet for people who have a range of health conditions including diabetes, high cholesterol and high blood pressure.

It is highly recommended that you speak to your healthcare professional before starting any diets or lifestyle changes but the fat smash diet is in line with most of the major health organizations’ recommended diets.