Obesity in America has risen to levels that are at an all time high. Not only has this weight epidemic struck adults, but children as well. This health condition makes everyone a target for developing diseases like diabetes, coronary disease, and even certain cancers.
But your diet can change all of that – especially if it’s one that’s filled with protein. There are many diets on the market that promote eating a lot of protein. As it turns out, those diets were definitely on the right track.
When you consume a diet that’s rich in protein it actually does help you lose weight. There’s a scientific reason why your body likes you eating protein and responds with weight loss.
When you eat a diet that’s high in protein, it helps your appetite slow down. You get a natural appetite suppressor by eating protein. Eating protein causes your body to create an amino acid that makes you lose weight.
This acid is known as phenylalanine. This, in turn, triggers the response from your body that tells you that your appetite has been satiated. When you feel full, you don’t end up eating as much.
Eating a diet that’s high in protein is a lot easier than you think. Foods each have a different amount of protein. Some of these foods are higher in protein than others, but if you create healthy meals where the focus is on filling your plate with protein items, then you’re going to lose weight.
You can snack on protein items, too – such as boiled eggs, which are high in protein – or have some cubed chicken breast, which also has a lot of protein. Each time you eat foods that contain protein, your body produces the phenylalanine.
In studies conducted on how this affects weight loss efforts, it was shown that subjects given phenylalanine had higher levels of GLP-1. This is a natural way of controlling your appetite as well as lowering the amount of hormones that make you feel hungry.
Not only did the phenylalanine in the test subjects help them lose weight, but it also helped them be more physically active. Even better news is that when studies were done on test subjects that were obese, the ones given phenylalanine also lost weight.
It worked by specifically directing its focus on the CaSR, which is a receptor in the body that’s used to lower your appetite. The results of these new studies can be used to help stop the rising tide of obesity and help those currently dealing with the issue to successfully lose weight.