A decrease in mobility is one of the biggest tell-tale signs of aging. As we age, we start feeling aches and pains when we perform certain actions, compared to when we were younger. For example, you might have been able to jump off something and land with a bounce in your feet, whereas now, if you jump you land with a thud, and your whole body is jarred.

The types of things that didn’t cause pain before and now do are possibly caused by aging joints and bones. We experience many changes in our bodies as we age and our bones and joints are not immune from undergoing these changes as well.

Just like any object, our bones and joints can suffer from wear and tear caused by years of use and sometimes even abuse. This wear and tear can cause a host of health issues, such as arthritis, osteoporosis, and general pain and weakness.

However, some people seem to defy the assumed natural processes of aging, and their bones and joints are still working well for them. These individuals are the ‘super-agers.’ While they are not precisely superhumans, if we are prepared to do as they do, perhaps we too can take care of our bones and joints better as we grow older.

Super Agers and Their Diet

Super-agers are those people aged 80 or older, who are certainly more agile and active, thanks to their healthy joints and bones. They don’t experience debilitating, degenerative diseases as much as their non-super-aging peers, such as arthritis, which could limit their mobility. So what is their secret?

While a person’s genetic makeup can play a role, the greater portion comes down to lifestyle. So many diseases today are related to lifestyle, and aging is no different. Sure, aging is not a disease, but if the body is not cared for, you can’t expect it to function well, or for as long! Therefore, as lifestyle incorporates diet, the food we eat is an essential factor in aging healthily.

Here are some super-ager diet tips for healthy joints and bones:

Eat Plenty of Fresh Fruits & Vegetables

A healthy diet would be incomplete (or non-existent) without fresh fruits and vegetables. However, some fruits and vegetables are a cut above the rest when it comes to bone and joint health.

Blueberries and bananas are excellent for keeping your joints and bones healthy. Bananas are rich in magnesium. This is an essential bone mineral on multiple levels. Calcium needs magnesium to form bones and teeth. Magnesium also plays a role in synthesizing vitamin D, which is also essential for strong bones.

A large portion of the population is deficient in magnesium, and the importance of this mineral to our diet cannot be overstated. Blueberries contain antioxidants that fight stress and, ultimately, premature aging of the cells.

Fruits rich in vitamin C aid in the production of collagen, which is found in cartilage, tendon, and ligaments. Vegetables such as kale, spinach, broccoli, and red peppers are excellent sources of vitamins and minerals essential in keeping joints and bones strong. Ginger is specifically helpful in fighting osteoarthritis.

Go Nuts! They’re Delicious & Good For You

Nuts are healthy snacking options that are great for healthy joints and bones. You only need to eat a few, which makes them affordable, and they are readily available. Walnuts, almonds, and cashews, for example, are high sources of calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus, which promote bone health. Nuts can also fight inflammation in the joints. So as our little heading mentioned, go nuts and enjoy!

Dairy Foods – Good or Bad?

One of the big questions is should you drink milk? Milk is often promoted as being rich in calcium and a nutrient that is essential for keeping bones strong. However, many adults suffer from an intolerance to milk, and it can be the source of much gut and bowel irritation.

Cultured dairy products such as cheeses and yogurt are much better tolerated by most people. These foods are not only good sources of calcium but also contain other nutrients too. Our bodies can also assimilate calcium from leafy green vegetables much easier than they can from milk.

No matter how your calcium is sourced in your diet make sure you eat plenty of magnesium-rich foods too. Magnesium is essential in calcium absorption and helps the muscles relax. An excess of calcium without adequate magnesium will be largely passed from the body, and what remains can contribute to the formation of kidney and bladder stones. People with low magnesium levels often experience muscle and joint pain.

Eat Fish and Boost Your Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Tuna, sardines, salmon, and trout contain omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D, both of which are vital in improving joint and bone health. Omega-3 fatty acids can also help prevent inflammation of the joints.

Don’t Forget Your Herbs & Spices

Herbs and spices not only make your dishes more flavorful, but some of them can also help keep your bones and joints healthy. For example, turmeric has excellent anti-inflammatory properties, which can help prevent joint inflammation, and reduce joint pain, tenderness, and deterioration of the cartilage.

Dandelion is another great herb for boosting bone health because it contains calcium and boron. Boron also helps treat osteoarthritis and is an essential nutrient.

Add Seeds to Your Meals

Seeds, such as flax seeds, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, chia seeds, and sesame seeds are excellent sources of fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, magnesium, calcium, and protein. These minerals are essential in keeping your bones and joints strong and healthy. The best part about adding seeds to your diet is their versatility. You can simply add them to many dishes. Some of them make a great go-to snack throughout the day.

As you can see it’s not too difficult to work towards becoming a super-ager by eating a delicious, nutritious diet. Simply buy the good healthy foods and leave the processed foods in the store. Our diet can help us delay and fight some of the negative aspects of growing old – such as joint and bone issues.

Super-agers consider their diet one of the most critical factors for their longevity, and it’s one area of their life that they have the greatest control over. A healthy balanced diet is an effective part of living a long and healthy life.