Just because you have been diagnosed with Crohn’s disease, it doesn’t mean your life is over. Right now, there are around 700,000 people in America who are suffering from this disease.

With the statistics being this high, of course there are supplements & natural alternatives to avoid Crohn’s that have been discovered. Today, we are going to point you towards those supplements and natural alternatives, so pay close attention …


You see probiotics, also referred to as “good bacteria” in all sorts of food products today. Have you ever wondered why “good bacteria” has been popping up? This is because they play a positive role in your digestive system.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Healthy fats, such as fish oil contain a large amount of omega-3 fatty acids, so make sure you include them in your diet.   Flaxseed and salmon can help your body fight inflammation, making it a great natural supplement to avoid crohn’s disease outbreaks.


Having thin needles inserted into your skin may seem like a nightmare to you, but believe it or not, it is one of the best natural alternatives to fight against Crohn’s disease. It has been said that through acupuncture, the brain will release endorphins, which are chemicals that help to block pain. Endorphins can also help your body fight infection and strengthen your immune system.

Herbal Treatments

There are herbal and botanical treatments that can help you. Before you turn to these treatments, it is important that you speak with your doctor, because some may not work well with the medication you are currently taking.

Some herbal and botanical treatments that help ease the symptoms associated with Crohn’s disease include: Chamomile, aloe vera juice, peppermint and slippery elm bark.


Tumeric is commonly found in curry – it is a spice that is related to ginger. Research has found that it an help reduce inflammation. Along with the anti-inflammation abilities, it also contains antibacterial elements.

Green Tea

Green tea is another natural supplement that you may want to include on your list. If you have Crohn’s, go ahead and drink some green tea. You may find that it helps reduce inflammation.


Would you believe us if we told you that there is more to a marshmallow than what meets the eye? Sure, it may appear to be a sweet white treat that you use to make smores, but there’s more to it.

There’s a herb that is called marshmallow – it comes from a plant and can be used to treat Crohn’s disease. Along with reducing inflammation, it can help reduce stomach acids and protect the stomachs lining.

All of these are supplements and alternatives that you can use in order to fight Crohn’s disease. If you or someone you know is currently suffering from this terrible disease, go ahead and give these alternatives (with the doctor’s approval) a try.