Varicose veins are veins which are abnormally and irregularly swollen. Veins are the segment of the arterial system that returns blood to the heart after oxygen has been delivered to the tissues. Varicose veins can occur in multiple different areas of the body on both men and women.
The most common form goes occurs in either one or both of two large veins near the surface of the leg. Varicose veins can also occur inside the anus, the vagina and the testicles, as well as smaller varicosities called spider veins, which can occur on the face and upper arms.
The signs and symptoms of varicose veins will depend upon the area of the body which is experiencing the varicose veins. In the legs, individuals will recognize symptoms such as itchy or heavy legs, especially if they have been sitting or standing for any length of time. Varicose veins will also appear blue and twisted. If they are severe the skin covering the leg can also become dry, itchy and swollen. (1)
Both men and women can experience itchiness over the area where the vein is located as the skin becomes dry and stretches. A section of the vein can also become engorged with blood and tender after prolonged sitting and standing. This condition is called phlebitis. Although it is uncommon, varicose veins can be injured and bleed.
More commonly individuals will suffer from open sores in the area of the leg normally drained by the vein. These open ulcerations can also occur near the ankle where individuals may suffer increased amounts of swelling and decreased amounts of perfusion from both the vein and the artery system. The ulceration is caused from a reduction in delivery of oxygen and removal of waste products from the area.
Individuals who have varicose veins of the legs may also suffer from the entire leg swelling or swollen feet and ankles. They may complain of leg muscle cramping, especially at night, as well as poor healing of any open sores. Oftentimes varicose veins are accompanied by spider veins. And, related to the decreased removal of blood and toxins from the area, an individual can suffer from eczema on their legs.
Varicose veins can also occur in the testicles where they cause swelling and feelings of heaviness. Men find that the swelling reduces quickly after lying down, but can just as quickly become swollen once they stand up. Some men are plagued by pain and discomfort while others experienced a reduction in fertility related to the increased heat from the blood supply in the scrotum.
Varicose veins can also occur around the anus and rectum, commonly called hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids are more likely to occur when individuals have hard stools, are chronically constipated and strain to have a bowel movement. All of these issues increase the amount of pressure in the veins that feed the rectal area and increase the risk of the development of hemorrhoids. Individuals will experience itchiness, pain and swelling.
Varicose veins are also common in the vaginal area, especially during pregnancy. Women who experienced vaginal varicose veins may require surgery to correct the problem. Women will be able to feel bumps and lumps within the vaginal vault or around the vulva. They may experience heaviness, difficulty walking, pain and painful sexual intercourse. (2)
The signs and symptoms of varicose veins are dependent upon the area of the body which is affected. By recognizing the signs and symptoms and seeking prompt treatment you are more likely to reduce the progression of the condition and prevent the formation of any further varicose veins.
(1) UC Davis Health System: Varicose Veins
(2) Phlebolymphology: Treatment of Vulvar and Perineal Varicose Veins