Candida exists in every body, but some people experience an overgrowth. This can cause a wide range of symptoms, to severe fatigue, to intestinal distress. Here are some common signs and symptoms of candida overgrowth, so you can work on treating it properly.

Extreme Fatigue

This is probably the first and most common symptom you will experience when you have candida overgrowth. Unfortunately, it is a sign of many other conditions as well, so your doctor might not catch it right away. You want to look at the severity of your fatigue and rule out other causes to determine if it might be from the candida itself.

With this type of chronic fatigue, it doesn’t lessen or go away no matter what you do. You might exercise more or less, try getting better sleep or more sleep, do things to keep you alert during the day, and nothing works.

This is when you know you have chronic fatigue related to your mental or physical health. When it happens with some of these other symptoms, it might be from candida overgrowth.

Frequent Vaginal Infections

Since candida is yeast in your body, it makes sense that you might get recurring yeast infections. If you keep getting these vaginal infections, it might not just be bad luck, but be because you have a lot of candida in your body. Yeast infections are common with most women having at least one in their lifetime, but getting multiple ones in a short period of time is not common.

In addition to the yeast infections (which men can also get), you may also be getting urinary tract infections on a regular basis.

Gut and Digestive Problems

Some people experience more problems with their gut and digestive system when they have a candida overgrowth. With too much candida in your body, there is a major disruption in the balance between good and bad bacteria.

Everyone has both naturally, but when you have too much bad bacteria and not enough good bacteria, this leads to quite a few issues. The candida might even be associated with more serious issues that also affect gut, including ulcerative colitis.

Other Symptoms of Candida Overgrowth

There are also other symptoms that can happen alongside these, including:

  • Recurring skin or nail infections
  • Joint pain along with the fatigue
  • Flare-ups of Fibromyalgia or Crohn’s disease
  • Problems concentrating
  • Mood swings or worsened anxiety

As you can see, candida overgrowth can affect you in many ways. The best thing you can do is start a candida diet and talk to your doctor about what else should be done.