Do you know what a nomad is? If your school lessons are still fresh on your mind, and they probably aren’t, you will remember that nomads were constantly on the move. They didn’t stay in any one place very long, sort of going with the flow that nature and weather dictated to them.
They lived relatively stress-free existences since they were open to looking for friendlier environments elsewhere, instead of waiting for the seasons to change and return their currently hostile surroundings compatible to sustainable life once again.
Nomads traveled in packs rather than singularly, as they understood there was strength and protection in numbers. These were traveling cities, with a defined hierarchy and specific jobs for everyone in the group. Your nomadic ancestors were responsible for spreading human civilization to all corners of the globe as they continuously retraced old familiar routes, and discovered new, environmentally friendly areas.
As soon as a water or food source exhausted itself, or when the environment turned inhospitable, nomads simply picked up and headed to greener valleys – both figuratively and literally.
Type B – The Nomad
Nomadic tribes are usually not in a hurry. They casually move along with a worry-free pace. This is often times because they have developed predictable travel routes that seasonally deliver very attractive environments and food sources. They know about when they should be leaving their current surroundings, so they plan ahead, and enjoy a less than frenzied pace than their hunter ancestors.
Anytime stress enters your life as a type B, you can effectively handle it by applying the same unhurried, methodical approach. Enjoy cardio and aerobic workouts which are lower impact, like swimming and cycling. Body weight training is recommended as opposed to lifting free weights and other heavy weights. Walking perfectly mimics the nomadic physical activity of your type B ancestors, as does hiking.
One way to monitor your diet and fitness activities is to remember that type B stands for balance. You will enjoy better overall mental and physical health and wellness if you take a balanced approach to both your diet and your exercise. Don’t stick with just one type of low impact, moderate to less than intense form of physical fitness.
Maintain a balance of several forms of exercise that keep your mind from becoming bored, and take a hike or a walk when you need to alleviate stress and anxiety in your life.