AB blood is an enigma when compared to the other 3 types. As its name would dictate, this is nothing more than a merging of modern-day A and B blood types.
This most recent blood development marks the first time a blood type has emerged for reasons other than environment or evolution.
Your combination of A and B blood types makes for a very sensitive digestive tract, and an immune system that is unfortunately overly tolerant.
You respond well to changing dietary and environmental conditions, even though your blood is considered an evolutionary mystery. When stress strikes, take a spiritual approach.
A combination of physical and creative energies, as well as a spiritual practice like tai chi, meditation or yoga, will lead to your best health along with the appropriate diet.
What Types of Foods Should a Type AB be Eating?
Your blood type is less than 1,000 years old, give or take a generation or two. This means you comprise only around 2% or 3% of the global human population. In some regards you may mimic someone with type A blood, and in other ways you are more similar to a person with type B blood. This provides you with a chameleon-like quality where your dietary approach is concerned.
Put very basically, if a food does not treat either type A or B properly, it is probably good to avoid it. However, there are some exceptions. For instance, you can chow down on tomatoes prepared a number of ways without any negative side effects. This is not true for blood types A and B, who often have a problem processing tomatoes effectively.
Oddly, an AB person is often more active and physically stronger than a sedentary type A. This is because of your link to type B. More activity leads to a dietary guideline which is more forgiving. Because of your very unique blood composition, you metabolize meat and store it as fat. Restrict or totally avoid eating meats if weight loss is your goal and you are a type AB.
You may also show insulin reactions to kidney and Lima beans, corn and sesame seeds, and buckwheat. Once again a sensitivity to wheat gluten is often present for this blood type. Tofu, seafood, low-fat dairy products, green vegetables, kelp and pineapple are all foods that will help you lose weight and regulate an ideal and healthy weight. You should enjoy no more than 1 to 3 servings of lean red meats every week.