The problem of alcohol in men is a big one. One survey showed that more than half of all men (about 55 percent) consume more than the recommended two drinks per day each week. About a third of all men consume twice the maximum amount of alcohol recommended per day in the recent weeks.
Men are more likely than women to binge drink, which is the consumption of alcohol in excess of 5 drinks in 2 hours or drinking to a blood alcohol level of 0.08 in a short period of time. About five percent of men are considered “at risk” because they drink in excess of 25 alcoholic beverages per week on a regular basis.
Men’s Alcohol Tolerance
It is a simple fact of physiology that men can drink more than women drink and not become drunk. Men process alcohol faster than women and thus tolerate more alcoholic beverages because they weigh more than women and have more body tissue to absorb the alcohol than do women have.
Women have a higher amount of fat compared to water in their bodies so that they dilute out the alcohol less than men do. Women who drink the same amount of alcohol as men will have a greater concentration of blood alcohol than do men will.
Regular alcohol consumption causes tolerance to alcohol, which means that the man must drink more alcohol in order to achieve the same effects. Eventually, you drink so much alcohol that you end up with health consequences.
Alcohol and Sexual Health
Small amounts of alcohol can increase your sexuality by reducing your inhibition and increasing your sexual confidence. Too much alcohol can lead to erectile dysfunction and reduced sperm count. Testosterone levels are reduced when you drink too much alcohol so that things like sperm quantity, sperm quality, and libido are reduced.
Alcohol is toxic to the testicles and can directly affect the production of sperm so that they lack the motility to fertilize the egg. It is believed that the effect of alcohol on sperm function is both related to testosterone reduction and liver function, which metabolizes vitamin A, necessary for sperm development.
Alcohol and Physical Appearance
Alcohol can adversely affect a man’s appearance in part because alcohol contains a lot of calories in it. Four pints of beer contain about 1000 calories. Not only that, but alcohol affects the way fat is metabolized to be used for fuel. Alcohol quickly goes to fat in the body and you can’t burn the fat as easily than if the calories were from food. The end result is an increase in weight.
Other things that alcohol can do to the body includes the following:
- The development of gynecomastia or breast enlargement
- The withering of the testicles
- The loss of body hair
Alcohol can also be the cause of skin diseases like rosacea, which causes reddening of the face from expansion of the blood vessels. The end result is a ruddy complexion that has pimples and redness, particularly on the face.
Other Health Effects of Alcohol
Alcohol can contribute to your getting gout, which is a painful joint disease, particularly of the joints of the foot. Gout usually affects men and usually affects them between the ages of 30-60.
Other negative effects of alcohol on the body include the following:
- Increase in liver damage
- Increased risk of cancer
- Increased risk of heart disease
- Increased chances of having bone disease
- Pancreatic inflammation
- Stomach irritation
- Increased risk of type 2 diabetes
- Increased risk of depression and anxiety
Men have twice the risk compared to women of becoming alcoholics. Men can die from alcohol-related events such as one of the diseases listed above or from driving while drunk. About 5% of men are considered alcoholics by their increased consumption and dependence on alcohol.
Ways to Control Alcohol Consumption
Men can control their intake of alcohol by following certain rules:
- Pay attention to the amount of alcohol you drink. Try to stay within the limits of two drinks per night on any given night.
- Pay attention to the alcohol content in the drinks you drink. Know what it means when you drink a certain “proof” of alcohol and avoid drinking high proof alcoholic beverages as these can make you more drunk than lower proof alcohol.
- The size of the drink makes a difference. When drinking, try to dilute what you drink with seltzer water or sodas rather than drinking alcoholic beverages straight up. Decrease the size of the alcoholic beverage you choose.