Have you been looking for more reasons to enjoy red wine? There’s good news, because it really does provide you with a host of health benefits. Just remember to limit yourself to no more than five glasses of week (and certainly no more than two glasses a day).

Just look at the following incredible health benefits of red wine:

Heart Health

Red wine contains a variety of active compounds that contain properties to protect your heart health, including quercetin, polyphenols, and resveratrol.

There have been numerous studies looking at how moderate enjoyment of red wine can be beneficial to various aspects which relate to heart disease.

According to the Mayo Clinic, resveratrol can prevent blood clots from forming, raise healthy levels of cholesterol, and help prevent the damage that bad cholesterol causes arteries.

And, according to the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, found that Quercetin promotes heart health through reducing inflammation, and regulating blood pressure.

Fights Bad Cholesterol

A study from Copenhagen’s Royal Veterinary and Agriculture University found that the level of wine consumption was directly related to the level of good cholesterol, with participants seeing an improvement of 5% after enjoying red wine in moderation.

Additionally, Australia’s Curtin University completed a study that discovered that regularly drinking red wine could reduce the level of bad cholesterol, specifically in postmenopausal women.

Fights Free Radicals

Free radicals build up in your system and cause a variety of diseases, including cancer, cardiovascular problems, arthritis, neurodegenerative diseases, and more. Red wine contains antioxidants that counteract the stress that is caused by free radicals. These antioxidants bolster your immune system, and reduce the risk of a variety of serious health problems.

Diabetes Management

Red wine can reduce the speed with which glucose passes into the bloodstream through the small intestine. This helps with the prevention of blood sugar spikes that type 2 diabetes causes. When consumed in moderation, red wine can form part of a diet plan for those with type 2 diabetes.

The reason that red wine is so much more effective than white wine is because red wine contains over ten times the number of polyphenols.

Prevents Weight Gain

The grapes that are used in red wine contain piceatannol, and this is similar in structure to the compound resveratrol. However, what piceatannol does is block immature fat cells from growing. Where it is present, it prevents cell development from progressing.

It’s so effective at this because it can destroy these fat cells early on in the process, thus preventing the accumulation of fat cells and gains in body mass. How? By binding to the insulin receptors that are located in the fat cells, and then blocking insulin from controlling the cycle of those cells.

Additionally, it blocks the activity of insulin to activate fat formation genes.

Prevents Dementia

The Mediterranean diet has long been known for its vast health benefits. Red wine is central to the diet, and according to the National Institute on Aging, those who follow it reduce the risk of dementia by 48%.

There has been more research completed on red wine as an effective preventative measure for Alzheimer’s. It is resveratrol that is highlighted as the key compound in red wine that can prevent or slow down the progression of dementia. This is because of its ability to reduce inflammation, and serve as a protectant to neurons.

Red Wine Ingredients

The reason that red wine is so beneficial to health is due to its ingredients, it’s the flavonoid content which boosts your health.

Quercetin is known for its ability to impact heart disease, chronic disease, allergies, high cholesterol, diabetes, skin disorders, gout, stomach ulcers, eye issues, cancer, and cognitive impairments.

Resveratrol is another key compound, and it is known for its ability to support the health of cells and tissues, protect against diabetes, promote circulation, fight oxidative stress, protect against cancer, prevent premature aging, and improve energy.