When we refer to binge eating we are not talking about having a large family dinner and overindulging over the holidays. According to the Mayo Clinic, it’s a serious mental condition that is qualified as an eating disorder by the DMS-5 and it affects as many as 5% of Americans.
What is Binge Eating?
Binge eating is rapidly consuming a large amount of food in one sitting beyond the point of being full, but to the point of utter discomfort.
While we don’t know the exact causes, WebMD suggests that it isn’t driven by hunger, but by psychological issues, whether those issues are rejection, inadequacy, or fear of failure. It may be planned or spontaneous and there is no purging involved.
However, it may involve repeat diets or sporadic fasting. For a diagnosis to be made, binge eating must occur twice a week over a period of six months. Even in cases with a lower frequency, it is still a serious issue.
The Cost of Binge Eating
After bingeing, there are physical and emotional consequences. The individual will be dealing with feelings of anxiety and depression, as well as self-hatred and shame. Really, it is a vicious cycle, as these same feelings can be the triggers of the binge; continuing the binge eating behavior increases feelings of sadness, anger, loneliness, and depression. With the amount of time needed to recover and execute the binge, social isolation occurs.
Physically, dealing with gastrointestinal distress and discomfort is frequent as the body attempts to digest a large volume of food. There will be fatigue and lethargy. It must be done in private, because extreme shame is related to this disorder.
Unwanted weight gain is the most critical consequence of binge eating. Most people wish to maintain normal weight; however, many individuals who binge eat tend to become obese, leading to further medical complications. WebMD counts the cost and those complications include high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, gout, and cholesterol issues.
If you are dealing with binge eating and it’s getting out of control, consider how you think about eating. There are two primary reasons to eat enjoyment and nourishment.
Food provides enjoyment and it provides our bodies with the requirements needed to run. Binge eating offers neither of these- there is no enjoyment nor the type of food being eaten isn’t beneficial to the health of the body.
It’s important that you acknowledge there is a problem. Ask yourself if you’re eating for the right reasons and consider the needs you’re trying to meet with food.
Binge eaters should not diet, even if they are overweight. Binge eaters frequently turn to dieting, however as diet restricts what you eat it leads to the individual feeling deprived. This just leads to more bingeing.
Rather than dieting, therapy for binge eating teaches patients to reconnect with their body, deal with emotional issues, get their behavior and emotions under control, and instills healthy coping mechanisms within self and in relationships, all of which supports the stopping of binges.
How to Get Help
If you are dealing with binge eating the best way to move forward is by seeking help. Seeing a counselor, or a therapist, can help you understand the why behind your eating behaviors, as well as offering you coping mechanisms to prevent the behavior.
Binge Eating Disorder is a serious mental illness, and it is also life threatening, making it very important to seek proper professional care from a qualified therapist or medical doctor.
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy
Therapy is incredibly successful, so look for a therapist who uses Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) as a technique. A dietitian can help with creating an eating plan and exercise that will get you on the right track without depriving yourself of things you love. If you are experiencing medical complications, you must consult your physician.
In serious binge eating cases, you may need an inpatient eating disorders setting, but starting with your doctor and a therapist are your first steps in beating binge eating.