Whatever you put into your body is what you get out of it. Fuel yourself with the absolute best nature has to offer and you will feel the long and short-term health benefits.

Whether you’re just starting the day, coming back from a crazy gym session, or spent all day at the office, it’s to give your body the attention it deserves.

By supplying, your cells with the nutrients and minerals they need you can ensure that you get the best out of each day. However, it’s not just what you eat on a daily basis that’s important, but also what you drink.

Keeping yourself properly hydrated can be the difference between having the energy to get through the day while maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and having a multitude of health related issues.


Let’s start with the basics. Albert Szent-Gyorgyi put it best when he said that, “Water is the hub of life.” Our bodies are 70 percent made of water so keeping the cells full of their most abundant liquid is essential.

A report by the Boston College cited that two thirds of Americans are not getting enough water and may experience dehydration on a daily basis. In fact, on an average day, five to ten percent of people are not drinking any water in most developed countries. Not only does this not make sense but it’s also horrible for your health.

Try to avoid headaches, fatigue, and lightheadedness by drinking six to eight glasses of water each a day. Not only can you avoid dehydration but there are also health benefits to consuming an adequate amount of water.

First, There is Cleansing

This word seems to be in wide use these days, but what does it really mean? Well, as the body goes about its daily schedule, including the cell cycle, digestion, and other metabolic processes, toxins begin to accumulate.

Our kidneys do a more than acceptable job of cleaning and filtering the body of harmful toxins – which are exerted through urination, however, the kidneys cannot do their job without enough water. Think of it like a car without gas.

Water is Also Excellent for Weight Loss

Penn State’s Barbara Rolls PhD explains that choosing water over sweet beverages, like soft drinks, will keep the body more satisfied throughout the day, preventing unwanted cravings. In fact, one glass of cold water takes about 80 calories to digest, so there is no reason you shouldn’t be drinking it.

With the added benefit of a high fiber diet full of fruits and vegetables, water is the perfect partner to promote metabolic and digestive activity, preventing constipation and other bowel related problems. So kick start your daily metabolism with a glass of cold water preferably with sliced lemons or limes, and on that note…

Citrus Juices

Lemon and Lime Juice

Apart from being a classy yet healthy partner to water, drinking lemon or lime juice has health benefits on its own.

Both lemons and limes are packed with vitamins, minerals, and other necessary compounds including vitamin C, B-6, flavonoids, and hydrocarbons.

One hydrocarbon in these citruses is limonene, which promotes detoxifying enzymes in the body to fight against carcinogens and other cancer causing toxins.

Lemons and limes are also good for digestive and intestinal health. Freshly squeezed lemon/lime juice, with a glass of warm water, will battle constipation, and relieve bloating. The two juices are also effective against viruses and bacteria. Even small doses in short periods of time will kill cholera from the intestines and act as an anti-viral during cold season.

100% Pure Fresh Squeezed Orange Juice with Pulp

Like its citrusy cousins, lemons and limes, orange juice is also a nutrition packed method of staying hydrated.

Orange juice has long been a staple in most households especially during breakfast and for good reason, the essential nutrients in this juice must not go unnoticed. It should be noted, however, that store bought, processed, and sugar infused juices, whether lemon, lime, or orange, will not yield the same health benefits as 100% natural and freshly squeezed juices, in fact that goes for all the fruit and vegetable drinks in this list.

While pirates ate oranges to battle against scurvy, and other gum related issues, today freshly squeezed orange juice proves to be a fast and easy way to consume some of the much-needed nutrients from fruits and vegetables that may be otherwise difficult to get from just diet alone.

In fact, health advocate and author Cherie Calbom confirms that it can take up to two hours for the body to be able to process the nutrients from food sources and even then, the process is not very efficient, whereas fresh juices will allow the body to benefit from vitamins and minerals much quicker and more efficiently.

Like any fruit or vegetable, oranges are packed with antioxidants that battle free radicals, subsequently preventing the development of tumors in the body. The high quantity of vitamin C is also beneficial for the immune system. Finally, drinking citrus juices, specifically orange juice, three times a week can significantly lower the risk of developing kidney stones.

Red and Green Juices

Keeping with the theme of natural and fresh juices, it’s important to acknowledge the super juices. Besides being a great combination of colors for the holiday season, any natural fruit and vegetable that is red or green will be good for you, as their colors represent their naturally high content of antioxidants.

The ones in this list are mostly superfoods that will help energize your day and prove to be incredible sources of micronutrients, improving your overall health and prolonging your life.

Red Juices

100% Pure Fresh Squeezed Pomegranate Juice

Gaining traction in recent years through Facebook pages like Healthy, red juices have rightfully earned their place among the list of the healthiest drinks. One name has been particularly well circulated and that is pomegranate juice. Companies have begun producing large quantities of this juice and for good reason too. Originally consumed in the heart of the Caucasus in Armenia, pomegranates were long theorized to have properties that promoted longevity. Only recently, has there been concrete science to back it all up.

Nobel laureate Dr. Louis Ignarro received his prize by researching the antioxidants in pomegranates and their ability to maintain nitric oxide levels in the body, a factor that opens up blood vessels, significantly improving cardiovascular health. Similar research highlights the pomegranate’s ability to make the skin look healthier and younger. Therefore, not only can you enjoy a delicious glass of red pomegranate juice but you can look and feel young as well.

100% Pure Fresh Squeezed Cranberry Juice

Like pomegranates, cranberries are also classified by their vibrant red color and health benefits. Of course, we are only talking about natural juices, not those that have been mixed with sugar or other preservatives. Also like pomegranates, cranberries are excellent for the heart, it’s almost as if every red fruit, or vegetable is beneficial for blood vessels and cardiovascular health (wink… wink…).

Nutritionist Lovisa Nilsson asserts that, “The flavonoids in cranberry juice can decrease the chances of developing atherosclerosis,” a condition that can lead to heart attacks and strokes. Furthermore, cranberry juice can help raise the HDL levels of cholesterol (that’s a good thing). A study by the American Chemical Society found that up to three glasses of the juice could improve HDL levels by up to 121 percent.

Like many drinks in this list, cranberry juice is also a great inhibitor for cancer. A Cornell University study revealed that breast cancer cells were eradicated within hours after being exposed to cranberry extract. Lovisa believes this is largely due to the proanthocyanidins and flavonoids found in the berry.

100% Pure Fresh Squeezed Beet Juice

Why drink your beets? It’s the easiest and most effective way to get essential nutrients into the body. Many people struggle to eat vegetables due to their dislike of the taste, but juicing makes it effortless to consume.

Furthermore, beet juice in particular allows us to consume crucial nutrients that we lose when cooking it.

Nutritional Value

Drinking 300 ml of beet juice provides you with:

  • 116 calories
  • 27 grams of carbohydrates
  • 3.5g of protein
  • 0.32g of fat
  • 6g of fiber

Beetroot is also vastly rich in nutrients. It is full of nitrates, potassium, antioxidants, and vitamin C. The nutrient density is what makes beet juice superior and it’s also why there is such a great deal of benefits.


Remember that whole thing about nitric oxide in pomegranates? Beets contain 20 times more nitrates than any other vegetable.

Improved Blood Flow

Beets are heart healthy and shown by studies to lower blood pressure and reduce arterial stiffness. The advantages related to improved blood flow originate from the nitrate aspects of beet. Once you drink it, the natural nitrates are transformed into nitric oxide within your body, which has a huge impact on blood pressure.

According to WebMD, research shows that drinking approximately two glasses of beet juice every day reduces blood pressure. It would seem that nitrate is the key element here. WebMD specifies that a study carried out at the Queen Mary University of London discovered participants had a significantly noticeable reduction in their blood pressure compared to those who were given nitrate pills.

Liver Health

Apart from the kidney being the cleanser of the body, the liver also does its part in detoxing. Compounds found abundantly in beets including methionine prohibit the building up and grouping of fatty acids allowing for the liver to properly conduct its function.

With its blood improving and liver helping abilities, beet juice has been shown to combat cancer as well, even in the final stages when no other treatment was useful.

A 1950 study, which has since been reevaluated and supported, physician Alexander Ferenczi discovered that beets could significantly improve the condition of terminal patients, who have already gone through chemo and other forms of therapy, by improving the functions of the liver. This is an important discovery in battling leukemia and other illnesses.

Train Harder

Are you struggling to keep up with longer and more intense workouts? If so, beet juice could be your answer.

Prevention.com tells us the results from research carried out at the University of California reveals that consuming beet juice everyday will significantly improve your ability to exercise for longer durations of time. The participants were also able to withstand more pain than before.

For example, the further you can run and tolerate the pain of lactic acid build up, the more your cardiovascular system benefits and becomes healthier. Working out for longer and training more intensely elicits greater results, particularly for those trying to become healthier through losing weight.

Drinking beet juice is nothing new, it’s one of those things that health advocates are well aware of and have been doing for years. The ideal thing to do, health wise, is to have a juicer and freshly juice beets (preferably with carrots).

A cheaper alternative is to blend the beets; of course, the effects won’t be the same, the same goes for other fruits and vegetables in this list that can be juiced, including spinach and kale.

Red Wine and Grape Juice

For those looking for some afternoon fun, red wine is the way to go. While alcohol can be damaging to the liver, kidneys, and other organs, in moderation red wine is great. In fact, a glass of red wine a day is heart healthy, according to an article published by Mayo Clinic. Polyphenol antioxidants, namely resveratrol protect blood vessel lining reducing LDL cholesterol.

Some of the oldest remanences of wine and wine making date back to ancient Armenia, which makes sense because they mostly proved to be wine made from pomegranates. Of course, if you’re unfamiliar with southern European wines, regular grape wine is more than beneficial. In fact, red grape juice, not having turned to wine, is as beneficial as many of the red juices listed in this article.

Grape juice has regained popularity as it is now being consumed naturally without added sugar in many households, specifically those looking for a sweet drink with tons of health benefits. This, however, is no coincidence; grape juice contains the same antioxidants as in red wine, without the alcohol.

So, not only is the sweet drink packed with vitamins and minerals like B-6 and potassium, it can also fight against illnesses and blood clots, as reported by the Georgetown University.

Green Juices

The red juices are great, but what about the greens? Sure, everyone says you should be getting in more greens, but is a salad really the best way to go? Well actually, if your trying to have a relatively pain free experience packed full of essential micro-nutrients, fiber, vitamins, and minerals that will be absorbed quickly by your body, then a freshly juiced glass of greens is just the thing for you.

Green juice is typically made from green vegetables in particular kale and spinach.

These types of drinks have long been a staple for nutritionists and health fanatics and have recently received the attention they deserve. Locals in large cities like New York and Los Angeles probably have a smoothie shop that serves some kind of green juice, and for good reason, these things are great for you!

Kale Juice

Let’s just get it out of the way. Kale made a huge appearance a few years ago and has remained strong in the field of superfoods. Being that it is one of the most nutrient dense greens putting kale lower in the list of green juices wouldn’t do service to this elixir for health.

Key Benefits
  • A single cup of the green has more than your daily need of vitamins A, K, C, and B-6 with only a 30-calorie tally.
  • Antioxidants include quercetin and kaempferol, which studies have shown sizably decrease the chances of developing cancer and act as anti-inflammatory agents, as reported by Authority Nutrition.
  • The high levels of vitamins, beta-carotene, and antioxidants like lutein and zeaxanthin all add to kales ability to hinder eye-sight degeneration and in fact, studies have shown, will strengthen the vision of consumers. Antioxidants also fight free radicals, and prevent oxidative stress that contributes to disease and premature aging.
  • Furthermore, kale juice can significantly lower the risk of cataracts developing in the eyes. So if you have problems with your eyes or spend all day in front of the computer, try drinking a tall glass of freshly juiced kale in the morning, with its best friend spinach.

Spinach Juice

Popeye preferred to eat his spinach, but drinking the green will allow the body to both consume and absorb more nutrients at a faster rate.

  • Filled with essential proteins and amino acids, this green is imperative for health advocates looking to build and maintain lean muscle.
  • High in protein, niacin, zinc, calcium, iron, magnesium, protein, fiber, vitamins A, C, E, B6, and K, phosphorus, potassium, thiamin, copper, folate and manganese.
  • Like kale, spinach is full of vitamins, especially the micronutrient vitamin K that helps the blood coagulate. Improper coagulation of blood can lead to bruising from small bumps and slower healing even from small cuts.
  • Spinach is also packed with a sizable amount of calcium (over 10 percent of your daily needs), so vegans looking to maintain healthy bones, especially those that are physically active on a weekly basis, can avoid traditional dairy products and rely on a couple of hefty servings of freshly juiced spinach. If a juicer is too expensive of an option, a blender will do the trick, but again for maximum nutrition extraction a juicer is the best option.

So next time you want to make a green juice try adding five celery sticks, two servings of kale and spinach and a quarter of a cabbage. The result will be a nutrient dense drink that will strengthen your immune system, revitalize your cells, and give you enough energy, at little cost to calories, to last you the whole day.

Dairy and Nondairy Milks

Like orange juice, a cold glass of milk has also been a common drink during breakfast. Of course, hiding this drink under a mountain of sugary cereals is not the best thing to do. While whole milk was the staple for the better part of civilized human history, other forms of the drink have made their way into the market.

Filtered Milk

Regular milk that is passed through fine filters to remove most microorganisms, making it seem creamier. Filtered milk has 6 grams less sugar and 5 grams more protein than regular milk.

Whole Milk vs. Low Fat Milk

When it comes to the argument between whole milk and low fat or reduced fat milk no amount of research can give a definitive answer. It’s is true that low fat milks will give you many of the benefits that whole milk provides including minerals like calcium and vitamins like vitamin B-12. However, after a short burst in the consumer market, whole milk has once again dominated the health sphere, as new studies provide a relevant argument against processed milk, which is the only way to lower the fat content of milk.

So if you want to avoid processed foods as much as possible and don’t mind the fat, which is by the way necessary and in the case of milk healthy fat, then whole milk will work perfectly fine. Of course, low fat has its benefits as well. Apart from aiding in weight loss and combating obesity, low fat milks are very good during pregnancy. Some studies have found that mothers who drink milk during their pregnancy significantly lower the risks of children developing multiple sclerosis. Moreover, women can avoid gestational diabetes by consuming low fat milk with added Vitamin D.

Coffee, Tea, and Cocoa

Apart from cold drinks and juices, there are other options when it comes to healthy beverages. Some of the most common drinks around the world include freshly brewed cups of coffee, tea or cocoa. Of course, some forms of the drinks are more beneficial than others, nonetheless they all serve as healthy alternatives to common sugary drinks and are a great way to hydrate and energize for the day.


Coffee is so popular these days it’s as if everywhere you look there is a new coffee shop opening, but the benefits from coffee are largely reliant on how they are prepared and consumed. Ordering a triple macchiato with whip cream and caramel is not exactly the best way to brew a cup.

However, a freshly brewed black coffee (occasionally with some milk) can prove to be an excellent way to start the day.

Exercise Recovery

In fact, some of the lesser known compounds of coffee have been shown to aid in exercise recovery. The Journal of Pain sites a 2007 study in which drinking a fresh cup of black coffee post-workout, can significantly increase the body’s ability to rid toxins like lactic acid, aiding in the quicker recovery of muscles.

Lower Risks for Type 2 Diabetes

Studies have shown that coffee drinkers can reduce their risk of Type II diabetes by as much as 50%.

Boost Brain Function

When coffee reaches the brain, it blocks Adenosine, an inhibitory neurotransmitter that in turn increases dopamine levels to improve mood and boost energy, reaction times, memory, vigilance, and cognitive function.

Reduced Risks for Neurodegenerative Disorders

Development of Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s disease and other neurodegenerative diseases were reduced in one study by as much as 60%

Reduced Risks for Cancer

Drinking coffee may reduce risks for liver cancer by up to 40% and colorectal cancer by 15%. A 20-year study found that women who drank at least three cups of coffee every day reduced their risk of developing skin cancer.

Protect Your Liver

Coffee can help keep your liver functioning optimally, and four cups per day were shown to reduce cirrhosis risk by up to 80%.

Loaded with Antioxidants

Coffee is loaded with key antioxidants that fight free radicals and prevent oxidative stress to promote great health as you age.

May Prolong Life

Coffee has been shown to reduce risks of several diseases, and observed over an 18-24 year period, reduced relative mortality rates in men and women by 20% and 26% respectively. These effects were especially pronounced in diabetics.

Lower Risks of Depression

One study found that women who consumed four or more cups of coffee had 20% lower risk of developing depression, with a corresponding 53% decrease in suicide rates.


A less caffeinated and healthier alternative to coffee is tea. The benefits of herbal teas are unprecedented and nothing new. This calming beverage has been used for its medicinal abilities thousands of years ago in ancient China and India.

The science has recently caught up to these ancient Easter civilizations, providing a sea of research that backs up why you should be drinking at least a cup of tea a day.

Green Tea

Apart from specific herbal teas that have been infused with spices, fruits, and various edible flowers, the main foundation for any good tea relies on green teas, black teas, or white teas, out of which green teas top the list as most beneficial. In fact, it is well known that green tea is a major contributor to weight loss and management.

One study found that out of two groups of men that followed the same diet, on average one group lost five pounds more weight solely because they drank green tea, which is rich in catechins three times a day.

Black Tea

Like its counterpart, black tea is also very beneficial for the health and wellbeing of consumers. Similar to green tea, black tea has an array of antioxidants and flavonoids that help fight against the formation and development of free radicals in the body, which promote the growth of tumors and various cancers. These polyphenols have been noted by the University Of Maryland Research Center to aid the body in developing a strong immunity in response to the formation of such illnesses.

White Tea

White teas have been less commonly consumed in Western cultures, but they deserve their own place in this list. Specifically the tea’s ability to strengthen cardiovascular health is of much importance.

The group of antioxidants known as catechins has been shown to decrease and lower cholesterol levels and blood pressure, as well as repair damaged vessel tissue, thus strengthening the heart and its functions. In fact, it is because of these components that some drugs use active components of white tea in the battle against cancer.

Chamomile and Sage

These two are more commonly found in households and are readily available for affordable prices in most grocery stores. This makes it easy for people that have both minor and major health concerns.

First, both sage and chamomile herbal teas are great for calming the nerves, reducing anxiety, and subsequently helping an upset stomach.

Apart from these more common uses against ingestion and sleepless nights, such herbal teas have been successful in battling more serious illnesses and conditions.

Most notably, the consumption of chamomile has been linked to a reduced risk of developing Parkinson’s and cancer, even in families prone to accumulating these degenerative diseases.

100% Pure Cocoa

If neither coffee nor tea is your thing, a cup of hot cocoa on a cold fall night might just be the next best thing. Again, not the sugar rich and marshmallow packed drink commonly found in coffee shops and supermarket shelves, instead, pure, natural, and dark cocoa powder in a cup of warm water or low-fat organic milk is the way to go.

2000 years ago, this plant was used by the Mayans and the Aztecs in rituals of manhood and for its healing properties. It was later brought to Europe and 2000 years later and the health benefits remain.

Key Nutrients

Cocoa is a low cholesterol and low sodium superfood. It also provides potassium, zinc, protein, fiber, iron, copper, manganese, magnesium, and phosphorus.

Key Health Benefits

Natural cocoa is a superfood in itself. One less attributed component of cocoa is its ability to act as an antidepressant. In his book, Staying Healthy With Nutrition, Elson Hass provides that cocoa contains phenethylamine, a chemical neurotransmitter that acts as a mood elevator able to increase happiness.

In addition, cocoa contains a hefty serving of flavonoids and other antioxidants helping fight against the forming of cancer cells, and can even lower blood pressure.

Final Thoughts

Whether you are an on the go mom sipping on some lemon water, a basketball player chugging down some kale juice, an office worker on your third cup of morning joe, or you want to have some fun with a glass of red wine, taking a swig from any of these drinks is one of the best things you can do for your body.

It’s important to remember that a large part of what we consume is not solid food but liquids as well. Therefore, whether you want to lose some weight, look younger, or reduce the risk of strokes or cancer, adding a few of these drinks to your daily routine is one very big step.

Drink well and take care!