It doesn’t have to take a life altering experience for you to want to make changes in your life. Nor do you need to make huge changes to make a difference to your overall health and wellness.

The changes that you make to improve your health and wellness are small changes that are sustainable as a lifestyle choice, to ensure that your wellness improves in just 30 days or less. Provided you maintain those changes, your wellness will continue.

Our bodies provide us with clues regarding our physical, mental, and emotional health. Have you struggled with illnesses or diseases that fall under one, or more, of these umbrellas? Your likely answer is yes, simply because we are all human and we all enter the world the same way- without an instruction manual.

An unfortunate side effect of this is that we don’t look after our overall wellness. Sadly, the majority of us don’t bother with providing our bodies with the best care until something does go wrong.

When problems arise and we choose to ignore them, rather than dealing with them head on, it can be a difficult journey to healing. If you are experiencing symptoms then it’s vital you attack it immediately and get to the root of the issue.

If you don’t have any health issues now, then it’s the perfect time to get started with improving your wellness now. It’s never too late (or too early) to do better for your health.

40 Ways to Improve Wellness

There is no need to rewrite your life in order to improve your wellness. You don’t need to reinvent the wheel, you can boost your health in less than 30 days just by marking smart, conscious decisions about what you eat, what you think, and what you do. Many of the struggles that we face in life are a direct result of the choices that we make. We’d love to invite you to come and learn about the 40 ways that you can do that in just 30 days, or less.

1 – Drink Water!

Yes, drinking more water is key to promoting health and wellness. Aim for 60 ounces every day, and if you don’t love water, infuse it with cucumber and mint to add some healthy, tasty, flavors. Fruit infused water is also delicious, but watch out for particularly sugary fruits, instead choose watermelon, since it’s water based.

2 – Walk More

Do you know how fitness trackers are always encouraging wearers to get in 10,000 steps a day? Well, that’s a good start. Aim to meet that target on a daily Aim to double that on your days off, and if you’re feeling particularly adventurous, triple it, you’d be surprised how easy it is when you have the time.

If you work in an office or your job revolves around a desk, then get up every half hour to get some steps in around the office. Rather than wasting your lunch hour, get a walk in.

3 – Exercise Regularly

Whether you sign up for a gym membership, or find other ways to stay fit- what is important is that you do it regularly. You should be fitting in half an hour of exercise at least five days a week. If you find it difficult to find half an hour out of your day, break it up into smaller pieces.

Try leaving the car at home and walking or cycling to work. Walking, cycling, and swimming are excellent forms of exercise that don’t require much exertion, so if you’re not used to exercise, this might be the perfect place for you to start.

4 – Sleep Enough & Soundly

We often forget just how vital a good night’s sleep is to our overall health and wellness. You should be getting at least seven hours a night, and no more than nine. If you struggle with sleep, try a cup of chamomile tea half an hour before bed, shut devices off an hour before bed, and indulge in a bubble bath, stretching, or yoga.

A lack of sleep will affect your memory, stress levels, and mood, so remember that the next time you think about staying up just a bit later.

5 – Stretch

Stretching is an effective way to improve health and wellness, as well as your quality of life. Poor flexibility results in sore muscles, stiff arteries, and even high blood sugar. When you feel stiff and sore it’s difficult to work up the motivation to stay active and go out and exercise. Meditation and yoga often involve stretching.

6 – Eat a Good Breakfast

Dinner is usually the biggest meal of the day that we enjoy, but that honor should really belong to breakfast. Your breakfast should be packed with protein and fiber to boost your metabolism, and provide you with energy for the entire day. It’s also a great way to improve your focus, and your mood.

7 – Meditate Daily

There’s no need to close yourself off from the world for an hour to make us of meditation. Just 10 minutes a day to clear your mind is sufficient. Meditation increases creativity, lowers blood pressure, reduces the likelihood of headaches, relieves stress, decreases anxiety, and improves the immune system. It provides a boost of serotonin, which is the hormone that improves your mood.

8 – Eat Home Cooking

Of course, the best way to control what you are eating is by doing all of your cooking at home. Yes, it’s fun to eat out, and the food is delicious, unfortunately, it’s packed with sugar, sodium, and bad fats. Treat yourself to eating out every once in a while, (just make smart decisions when you do so), but by eating at home you’ll feel healthier in no time. You will have total control over the quality of products that you use, and know exactly what is going into each meal that you make.

9 – Socialize in Person

Humans are social animals, and even the most anti-social amongst us need some form of human contact. Make time for your friends and family, and you will see your health and happiness improve. Interaction with others is an effective means of boosting mood, and it decreases depression and anxiety. So, the next time you have a day off, carve out an hour or two to catch up with your loved ones.

10 – Wash Sheets

This may sound like an odd one, but there is some truth in it. Your sheets gather your dead skin cells, as well as dust mites and their waste. Every night you go to sleep, germs love to cozy up with you for a good night’s sleep. You should wash your sheets (and pillowcases) every week or two to stave off illness. This is especially true of anyone who suffers from allergies or asthma. Start tomorrow and you’ll see a difference in no time.

11 – Wash Your Sponge

Wash a sponge? Isn’t the sole purpose of a sponge to wash and clean other things? It sure is, but at least 15% or so of sponges harbor the types of bacteria that result in serious illness. Just take a minute to consider what you use your sponge for! Stay safe by ensuring you clean your sponge every week, and the good news is that it’s simple- just toss it in the dishwasher!

12 – Use Technology

Health apps and fitness trackers are a great way to keep track of your steps, your diet, and your total exercise and health. Trackers can also track your heart rate, sleep pattern, and water intake. You can get a basic wearable for under $20, but the more money you spend, the more bells and whistles you’ll find. If you own a smart phone, you are streets ahead, because there are plenty of apps available that can do the job.

13 – Smile & Laugh

It really does require more muscles to frown than it does to smile. Studies indicate that smiling can increase your mood instantly. For an extra super boost, get your laughs in. Start thinking positively and try to wear a smile, even when you don’t feel like it, because you’ll soon see your smile wearing off on others and suddenly you won’t need to try anymore.

14 – Go Outdoors

Spending time outdoors relieves stress, improves immune system function, increases mood, and boosts creativity. Fresh air is packed with negative ions, which boost the flow of oxygen to your brain. Not to mention that sunlight is an excellent source of vitamin D, vitamin D is, of course, essential to your bone health. Around 25 minutes in the sun should be effective, just ensure you’re wearing plenty of sunscreen.

15 – Get Your Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Fatty acids are an effective way to reduce inflammation, reduce anxiety, increase your mood, improve your memory, and combat depression. Fatty fishes like tuna and salmon are an excellent source, as are nuts, hemp, leafy greens, flax seeds, and seeds. If all else fails, start taking a supplement.

16 – Organize Your Life

One of the biggest obstacles that we face when trying to live a happy and healthy life is stress. A chaotic bedroom, a messy desk, and missing appointments can increase your stress levels. Spend around 15 minutes organizing your workspace, at home, and on your to-do list every day. You may be surprised by just how much your stress drops when you feel more organized, and in return, you’ll find the physical symptoms associated with stress melting away.

17 – Drink Tea/Coffee

This one may surprise you, but herbals teas and coffees have plenty of health benefits. Green tea is packed with antioxidants that help fight cancer, reduce cholesterol levels, detoxify the body, reduce depression, boost your metabolism, improve dental health, control your blood glucose, and strengthen your nervous system. Include one cup a day. As for coffee, it boosts brain health and more! Just avoid adding sugar and cream, that’s where the calories come in.

18 – Pay It Forward

Volunteering is a simple, yet selfless, gesture that is an excellent boost for health and wellness. Volunteering is incredibly rewarding, so if you want to feel better in less than 30 days? Start giving back today! You’ll soon see you walk away with a healthy buzz.

19 – Get Up Earlier

There are plenty of benefits to getting up earlier. If you start your day on a positive, then you won’t feel stressed out as you rush to make it to your daily appointments or work on time. You’ll have time to eat a healthy breakfast, and even fit in a quick meditation. There’s a serious feeling of efficiency surrounding an early rise.

20 – Set Goals

Don’t just think about those goals, take time out to write them down and really build a plan. It’s an effective way to keep you on task, and help you move forward- providing your life with a sense of purpose. You should set goals that are realistic and measurable, which will improve every aspect of your life.

21 – Practice Yoga

Yoga is an excellent way to boost your health and wellness. Practicing yoga can reduce muscle stiffness, improve your posture and sleep, reduce body aches, improve breathing, decrease blood pressure, reduce your stress, and increase your flexibility.

22 – Visualize

You have the goal, but do you have the imagination? Take time out every day to picture your success, imagine positive results. It might sound a little cheesy, but it’s effective! You can roll this into your meditation, or make it a separate activity. Whatever you feel the most comfortable with.

23 – Don’t Sit, Stand

Take every opportunity possible to stand up and get moving, instead of sitting down. It will burn more energy, and improve your posture. When you stand, you can move around, and find simple exercises to keep your blood circulating. These just little changes will add up to wellness over time.

24 – Take Deep Breaths

Stress will kill you, and if it doesn’t kill you, it will make you sick. It can put you off even the best laid plans, and upset your hormones. Deep breathing is an effective way to cope when you’re experiencing a seriously stressful moment. Feeling stressed? Take a few deep breaths and count to 10. You may be surprised at how effective it is in reducing your stress levels.

25 – Keep a Diary

You’d be surprised how helpful to your mental health keeping a diary can be. Writing out your feelings to the events happening in your life is an effective way to process your emotions. It can also help you recognize issues that you may be dealing with unconsciously. The best part is a diary is a cheap enough purchase, and you just need to find a few minutes before bed to make notes on your day. You may just find you sleep better.

26 – Have Some Hobbies

The activities that you enjoy play a bit role in your happiness and health. Think of your favorite hobby or activity, and think about how you feel when you don’t get to indulge in it often enough? It can be incredibly frustrating. Additionally, indulging in an activity that you love is a great way to reduce your stress levels, and boost your mood. It’s easy to get caught up in work, and other commitments, so it’s vital that you make time for yourself.

27 – A Healthy Choice

Everyone has their favorite foods, from chocolate to pretzels, or pizza and Chinese. There are plenty of recipes out there that offer healthy alternatives to your favorite dishes. You’d be surprised at how effective fruit and vegetable purees can be in your baking. If you can’t find an adequate substitute, make a conscious decision to choose healthy foods instead of giving in to temptation. There’s nothing quite like carrot sticks to snack on.

28 – Watch Portion Sizes

Portions are crucial to your health and wellness, for instance: natural nut butter is a great option for unsaturated fats. However, there’s 100 calories in just one tablespoon. Therefore, even when you are making healthier decisions, it’s important to make sure you’re eating those substitutes correctly. Nuts are another great, healthy, option, but they should be enjoyed in small portions.

29 – Repeat Positive Affirmations

Whether you need to search the net for the perfect affirmation, or you have one in mind- repeating this phrase can help you remain positive and on track with your goals. You may even want to write it on a sticky note and stick it to your bathroom mirror, fridge, or the computer at work. Repeat it every morning and say it throughout the day, and before you go to bed.

30 – Plan, Prepare, & Pack

Healthy eating is important, and it can be hard. Which is why it’s important to make a plan for your week, shop for that plan, and then prepare everything possible in advance to ensure you stay on track. It’s much easier to stick with it when you think ahead. Think about the times that you give up and order in, or swing past the drive-thru. Chances are it’s because you have no idea what you’re having for dinner. Remove that temptation by planning ahead.

31 – Be Accountable

Find a partner to that will help you stay accountable. Choose someone that you can place your trust in, someone that is invested in you achieving your goals.

32 – Eat Regularly

Have you ever found yourself getting hungry between meals and turning to junk food or unhealthy snacks to tide you over till your next meal? Try breaking your meals up so that you’re not left hungry waiting for your next meal. This will control your blood sugar, and energy, by getting regular meals and healthy snacks.

33 – Stop Snacking

This ties in to the tip above, however, it goes a step further. You may prefer eating your food in front of the television, or grabbing a sandwich at your desk, but that’s damaging. When you eat, do so without distraction so that you’re aware of what you are eating. If you do feel hungry between meals, have a glass of water, or chew some gum.

34 – Take Good Quality Vitamins & Supplements

You should be able to get all of your necessary vitamins and nutrients from a healthy, balanced diet (in a perfect world), however, that is not the case even when eating organic, whole foods. There’s no harm in popping a multi-vitamin to give you all the nutrients you need to repair and restore your body. This is especially important for strict vegans and vegetarians who may be missing out on vital B complex vitamins.

35 – Lunch Tips

Enjoy a protein-filled salad for lunch from Monday through Friday. A great example would be a mixed green salad that contains chicken breast (or any other lean protein you enjoy), with nuts and seeds, topped with lemon juice and olive oil. It contains fiber, nutrients, and leafy greens that come with a wealth of health benefits. Protein is great for building muscles and satiates your hunger.

36 – Eat Berries

Berries are a powerful food for your brain and your digestion. They are rich in nutrients and help prevent diseases. They will keep you far fuller than a processed cereal. Add a half cup to your yogurt, oatmeal, smoothie, or just enjoy a handful (whether they are fresh or frozen). They’re the perfect breakfast addition, and also an excellent vitamin C source.

37 – Use Herbs, Not Salt

There are other seasonings to make your food taste better, without damaging your health. Forget salt, and instead try herbs and spices. At breakfast, you can use ginger, cinnamon, and cardamom. At lunch, you can go Italian with your seasonings, or opt for cayenne pepper, black pepper, turmeric, or black pepper.

At dinner? Oregano, thyme, garam masala, basil, and pepper. Mix it up however you prefer, but use them frequently. These are some of the best ingredients that offer antioxidants to boost your mood and fight cancer. Herbs and spices are also effective in reducing blood pressure, whereas salt can increase the risk.

38 – Say Goodbye to Sugar

It’s delicious, but the majority of sugary foods come from processed foods, which are completely devoid of nutrients. The next time you find yourself craving a hit of sweetness, reach for berries, bananas, oranges, or apples.

Alternatively, opt for carrot sticks, which are a somewhat sweet vegetable. You’ll find yourself really enjoying the taste of fresh fruits and vegetables when you really give them a chance, not to mention that sugar affects digestion, mood, exhaustion, and ages your skin. Drop sugar, and you will feel better in no time at all.

39 – Quit Smoking

It is a difficult task, however, once the nicotine is out of your system (it only takes a few days) you will start feeling better. You will find that you have more energy, and you will breathe better. Smoking increases blood pressure, heart rate, smell, taste, and increases your risk of heart disease and stroke. The main issue with dropping the habit is breaking the habit.

The same can be said for alcohol, while the recommended units per week may seem ridiculous, they are there for a reason. Just think about how much alcohol you drink every week, in addition to the alcohol itself, it comes with sugars that turn to fat. You don’t have to stop drinking alcohol altogether, but you should start making smart decisions. Forget cocktails, and opt for a spirit instead.

40 – Drop the All or Nothing Mindset

We all have bad days, if you slip up and give in at lunch and have a bag of chips or cookies, don’t go all in. A slip up doesn’t mean you can indulge in and have an excessive dinner. If for some reason, you can’t fit in a total workout, instead find time for a shorter one.

It comes down to this: you have to make smart decisions whenever you can, because they add up. Just think about how many times you’ve made a slip up and ran with it, only to feel miserable about it later. Mistakes are okay, but don’t beat yourself up about it, or keep the mistake going.

Final Thoughts

Are you surprised that the majority of ways to improve your wellness revolve around building a solid nutritional foundation? Our diets are our biggest struggles, because the world around us has built food up to be a source of comfort. In fact, it’s been that way since birth. Think about it, when a baby cries our first impulse is to comfort it by providing a breast or a bottle! So, food as comfort is engrained from a very young age.

Nutrition has a tremendous impact on your overall health, and will be the main focus of any challenge that you face. Plant based foods are the most effective way to ensure you are following a nutritious diet, but you should review what you eat on a daily basis to ensure you aren’t straying off the beaten path.

It doesn’t matter whether you’re looking for a way to lose weight or just to feel better, the formula to follow is the same. The challenge here is to implement the above tips to make serious changes in your wellness in just 30 days or less. It will improve your health, and keep you motivated. Once you make those changes, you’ll realize that it isn’t much of a challenge at all. You can still treat yourself now and again, but it is all about making the right decisions regularly.

When you start making positive changes, you will see the desired results, and suddenly making those decisions won’t be so difficult. This isn’t about a diet, rather, about making lifestyle changes that will persist throughout your life to improve your health, and extend your life.

Just remember, don’t burden yourself with ridiculous goals that are impossible to achieve. Think of a happy and healthy lifestyle as a puzzle with hundreds of different pieces. How do you solve a puzzle? One piece at a time, and as you tackle each piece you will begin to see the big picture coming together.