There’s a hormone for every function of the body. Do you know which one influences your weight the most? They’re the hormones produced by the thyroid gland. Let’s look at the thyroid hormones and how they are connected with metabolism and weight loss.

The Thyroid Gland

The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland in the front of your throat, which produces two hormones – triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4). These hormones are released into the bloodstream to travel to every part of the body. They are responsible for regulating essential functions, such as breathing, body temperature, heart rate, and cholesterol levels. These hormones also control much of your metabolism, which can explain why you gain or lose weight.

The Connection with Metabolism and Weight Loss

The thyroid hormones affect your metabolism in several ways, such as in how the body burns fat, uses carbohydrates, and produces glucose. They also influence the energy you burn while resting, also referred to as the basal metabolic rate (BMR).

At normal levels, your thyroid help to run your metabolism smoothly and keep your weight in a healthy range. However, when thyroid hormone levels are low, it leads to weight gain because your metabolism slows down and you burn fewer calories. Conversely, when the thyroid gland produces an excess of thyroid hormones, your metabolism goes into overdrive, burning too many calories, so you lose weight.

It’s a rather complicated process how thyroid hormones, metabolism, and weight are connected.

What Happens with Imbalanced Thyroid Hormones?

Whether you find it hard to gain weight or to shed some pounds, it can be related to your thyroid health. When the hormone levels are imbalanced, you may experience one of these thyroid disorders.


This disorder refers to when the thyroid is underactive, meaning that you have low levels of thyroid hormones. Your body can’t use calories efficiently, so it stores the excess as fat. That’s why you gain weight.


When the thyroid is overactive, it produces excessive hormones that make your metabolism faster. That also means you need more calories to maintain a healthy weight. If your consumption doesn’t match the calories you burn, it leads to weight loss. Alternatively, you may feel hungrier and have more appetite, so you might gain instead of losing weight.


Nodules, cysts, or cancerous tumors can grow in the thyroid gland. They can lead to diarrhea and weight loss, along with other symptoms, such as anxiety, rapid heart rate, sweating, and hyperactivity.

How Can You Keep Your Thyroid Hormone Levels Healthy?

Thyroid hormones need to be at optimal levels to perform their roles in various body functions. If they’re at normal levels, you feel energized and healthy. Here are some tips on how you can ensure that your thyroid hormones are balanced and your weight healthy:

Eat Properly

Many people who try to lose weight skip meals and starve themselves. Don’t do that because it can lead to a slow metabolism. It’s best to develop a healthy meal plan and include more protein and iodine-rich foods.


If you’re trying to lose weight and keep it at a healthy level, include exercise in your routine. Strength training and high-intensity cardio are great for boosting metabolism.

Take Thyroid Hormones or Supplements

For hypothyroidism, your doctor may prescribe synthetic thyroid hormones to bring your thyroid hormones to optimal levels. You may also take supplements, such as vitamin D and iodine. These will help bring back your metabolism to the normal rate, so you can manage your weight better.

Get Enough Sleep

Having the right amount of sleep is essential for effective metabolism. If you’re not getting enough sleep, your metabolic rate slows down.

Thyroid hormones are crucial for metabolism and maintaining a healthy weight. If you’re struggling to lose weight or to gain weight, you may have a thyroid gland disorder. Some thyroid issues may not have noticeable symptoms, so it’s best to visit your doctor as soon as possible for proper diagnosis.

With the right treatment, your metabolism will run smoothly again. Remember that healthy lifestyle practices are a big contributor to thyroid health so that you’ll stay energized and well.