If you have poor blood circulation in your legs it’s important that you find ways to improve it. You need your blood to flow and circulate all around your body, so it can carry oxygen-rich blood and nutrients.

Some of the tell-tale signs and symptoms of having poor blood circulation in the legs include:

  • Frequent cramping, tingling and numbness in the legs.
  • Leg swelling, leg ulcers and painful calves.
  • Having cold feet most of the time.
  • Wounds, cuts, scratches and sores taking a lot of time to heal.

If you have any of these symptoms, it is a good idea to consult with your doctor. However, keep in mind that taking prescription drugs is not always the only answer and the following tips may prove helpful in improving your body’s blood circulation.


Narrowed or hardened arteries leads to poor circulation in the legs and feet, and in severe cases, the simple a simple act of walking can cause pain. This is because the tissues of the feet and legs are not receiving enough nutrients and oxygen.

However, this should not stop you from walking. Moderate physical activity is crucial in preventing the increased development of plaque in the arteries while also reducing the risk of blood clot formation.

If you find it difficult to walk, opt for simple exercises that suit your situation. For example, if you are traveling, or having to sit for long periods of time at your desk, it is good to try exercises that allow your calves and feet to be moved and stretched. This is necessary to ensure a healthy blood flow to your legs and feet.

As your feet and leg muscles contract, the blood in your veins is being pushed and pumped. Your muscles function as a pump that help force the blood to be pumped up and around your body.

Tips to Improve Blood Circulation in the Legs at Night

Frequently experiencing leg jumps or cramps, tingling or numbness in the legs at night, may be signs that you have poor blood circulation. To help overcome this, take these steps to improve your sleeping condition for better blood flow.

  • Check your pillows and mattress to see you are giving your spine the correct support it needs.
  • Sleeping on your side will help reduce the pressure of your major veins while they perform their function of carrying blood to your heart and then around your body.
  • Propping a pillow between your legs will also improve blood flow.

Stop Smoking

Smoking promotes atherosclerosis. The chemicals inhaled from cigarette smoke directly affects the walls of the blood vessels. This leads to the narrowing of the blood vessels thereby decreasing the amount of blood flow. Secondhand smoke also has the same negative effects on the body’s blood circulation.

Therefore, don’t smoke and don’t allow others to affect your own health!

Stretch Regularly

Stretching your legs after taking a warm bath is an excellent way of improving blood circulation to your legs. Your muscles are warm and the blood flows easily.

It is also advisable to wash your feet with cold water every day. The cold water makes your body respond to the cold and send blood as quickly as possible to your toes! Alternating warm and cold water soaks has helped many who suffer with circulatory issues.

Eat Heart-Healthy Foods

To help your heart to pump blood all the way to your feet and around your entire circulatory system it pays to eat heart-healthy foods.

Foods such as blackberries, oranges, nuts, watermelons, dark chocolate, salmon, herring and cayenne pepper are wonderful additions to improve blood circulation.