Tooth decay and cavities are certainly related to each other, however, they are not technically the same. Tooth decay, also called dental caries, is a gradual oral disease. It starts when the sticky plaque from food particles builds up bacterial populations that produce acid that destroy the protective layer of your teeth, the tooth enamel. As the decay progresses, it creates a hole in your enamel, and that’s when you have a cavity in your tooth.
If you ignore it, you may have a nasty toothache, infection, and tooth loss even if you are still young. If you take care of your teeth from an early age, you will prevent tooth decay and cavities from destroying your smile and your enjoyment of eating without false teeth!
You can prevent tooth decay and cavities, or reverse them in their early stage, through these measures:
- Practice proper oral care every day. Gently and thoroughly brush your teeth after meals, floss once a day, and mouth rinse with an antibacterial mouthwash to reduce plaque and oral bacteria.
- Keep yourself hydrated with fresh water so your mouth doesn’t get dry.
- Chew sugar-free gum to help stimulate saliva, which is a natural cleansing agent that prevents the growth of bacteria and plaque on your teeth.
- Stay away from sugary foods and drinks, and avoid frequent snacking. Drinking sweet beverages can cause plaque and tartar build-up.
- Eat fruits and vegetables which help stimulate saliva flow.
- Have regular visits, at least once a year, to your dentist because cavities caught early are less painful to treat. Plus, if you have any other dental issues your dentist will see them.
The dentist will also treat or prevent tooth decay with the following options:
- Apply a mineral gel on your teeth to remineralize them. Calcium and phosphate nourish your tooth enamel. You lose these minerals as you age, and from eating acidic and sweetened foods. Periodically, you may need to replenish them by remineralization.
- Use preventive liquid dental sealants that will block the bacteria from entering your teeth. By sealing the hollows on your molars, they will be protected from decay and cavities for a long time. This treatment also applies to children and teens.
- Use antibacterial treatments particularly if you have a medical problem, such as diabetes. Your dentist may recommend or prescribe an antibacterial mouth rinse to help prevent tooth decay and cavities.
- If the cavities cannot be prevented from getting worse, the dentist may remove the tooth or fill the cavity.
If you are a person that doesn’t like to use fluoride-based products, you can try these natural home solutions:
- Apply aloe vera gel to your teeth. Based on research, this gel has an antibacterial effect and may aid in remineralizing the affected enamel to prevent cavities from forming.
- Consume licorice root. Based on a trial, licorice root and the extract from it are antibacterial and may help in preventing cavities.
- Eat foods rich in calcium and minerals like broccoli, collard greens, dairy, and kale.
- Reduce the consumption of foods high in phytic acids such as cereals, legumes, rice, nuts, and wheat. Phytic acid may damage the enamel because it prevents the absorption of minerals needed to prevent tooth decay and cavities. If you do eat any, clean your teeth as soon as possible.
- Take vitamins B, D, iron, and magnesium supplements. These are micronutrients needed for bone health and to control inflammation to prevent cavities. They will mineralize your teeth to strengthen the enamel and help lessen cavities considerably.
- Another option is eating whole grains and seafood like tuna, salmon, and sardines, which are also rich in vitamin D.
- There are foods that aid in producing saliva, like bananas, Brussels sprouts, and peas.
- Consume foods rich in natural probiotics to balance your acidic pH. These include fermented foods like kefir, kombucha, pickles, kimchi, some cheeses, and yogurt. They will increase the healthy bacteria in your mouth to defend against plaque and tooth decay.
- Avoid foods and drinks with an imbalanced pH like coffee, which promote bacterial growth. Instead, drink green tea which contains polyphenol. It acts as a potent antioxidant and is anti-inflammatory, so it will improve your oral health.
As you can see, you can help to prevent tooth decay by following these measures and solutions. It can also be reversed at an early stage. If cavities already exist, don’t delay visiting a dentist for treatment. It may be costly but will save you a lot of pain and tooth loss.