There’s no doubt that you know at least one or two people who have tried to quit smoking and fail. What is that they’re doing wrong? Read on to learn the top 5 ways people fail to quit so that you can learn from their mistakes when you’re ready to kick the habit.

1 – They Go It Alone

People who try to quit smoking without any help are more likely to fail than to succeed at smoking cessation. It’s important when you quit that you develop a network of friends, family members and/or professionals to help you in your endeavor.

You can even look for support from online groups if you don’t feel you have the right people in your life to help.

2 – They Keep the Same Routine

Smoking is often part of a daily routine. For example, you may wake up and smoke with your morning coffee, take specific smoke breaks throughout the day, and wind down with a cigarette before going to bed.

If you don’t switch up your routine and replace your habit with a new one, you’re more likely to crave cigarettes and give in to them.

3 – They Don’t Commit

You may feel like you want to quit smoking in the beginning, but when withdrawal symptoms come the motivation to quit starts to go. Quitting smoking successfully requires you to commit to keep going even when it doesn’t feel good.

One way to do this is to write down all of your reasons for quitting and keep them with you at all times – in your pocket, on your car visor, at your desk, or even in your pack of cigarettes.

4 – They Don’t Prepare

Quitting smoking is more successful when you have plan and you’re prepared. That means deciding on a specific day to quit and keeping items with you that will help you to keep your mouth and hands busy.

It also means getting rid of cigarettes and ashtrays, and connecting with people in your support network. When you have a plan for quitting, you?ll be more successful long-term.

5 – They Believe Smoking One Cigarette Means They’ve Failed

When it comes to smoking, it’s normal and even expected that you;ll slip up once in a while. The problem occurs when you slip up and then give up because you believe you’ve failed.

A better strategy is to realize that slipping up can happen and that you just need to go right back to your smoking cessation plan. Don’t give up!