If you are trying to make changes in your life, it’s easy to get frustrated and throw in the towel when you feel like your changes aren’t happening quickly enough.
After all, you are going through all of this so that you can change and you need validation that those changes are actually happening and everything you’re going through is actually working.
Sometimes, especially in the beginning, changes can be small. In fact, sometimes these changes are so small that it’s hard to notice them at all. This is why it is so important that you get into the habit of tracking your changes.
Before you begin changing your eating habits, find a notebook or something where you can log in each of your changes. This should be something that you can easily keep with you throughout the day and something that is dedicated completely to your Whole in 30 journey.
Once you found your notebook, it’s time to take your measurements and your weight. You want to do this before anything else because you want to know what your true starting point is.
Some people like to take pictures of themselves before they change their eating habits, and if you choose do that it might be a good idea to put those pictures in your notebook.
Once you set up your notebook, it’s time to start tracking your intake. Every time you eat or drink it’s going in the notebook. You want to keep track of how much water you have, what foods you are eating, and how you’re feeling throughout each day.
If you choose to make smoothies during your whole in 30 transition, you’ll want to record that as well. So let’s say that you have eggs and grass fed steak for breakfast, you will want to make note of that in your notebook. About an hour later, you want to go back and note how you’re feeling.
As a side note, it’s also a good idea to make notes on the way that you’re feeling at the end of each day. Tracking your foods in this way allows you to have a record of everything that you’ve eaten and how those foods have made you feel afterwards.
When you keep a record like this over time you may notice things like which foods cause stomach upset, which foods make you feel tired, and which foods truly help you feel to feel your best.
Some people choose to write affirmations in their notebook tracker. This can help you to stay motivated and focused even when things get rough. If you’re having a rough day on Monday, make your affirmation for Tuesday something that addresses whatever issue you are struggling with.
For instance if you found yourself getting into the ice cream on Monday, on Tuesday your affirmation could be “I am stronger than ice cream, when I need something sweet I will have a smoothie instead”. Obviously this doesn’t sound like your typical affirmation but is enough to give you positive reinforcement as well as help you to have a plan in place for whatever hurdles you are currently facing.
It’s a good idea to set aside time each week to look back through your notebook. This will not only let you reflect on the positive changes you’re making, but also gives you a chance to see where you stand in your weight loss journey.
Each week you can track your weight, and take your measurements before you reflect on your entries for that week. When it comes to your success, tracking everything is just as important as planning.